Timeline Of A Simple Staycation

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's my last shift before my vacation so I'm preparing to "push it" and stay awake through Sunday. I drink my 2 liters of Diet Coke and also have extra b-vitamins with coffee when I get home. Ric's over at Jax or Tilited Kilt watching his football game so I delve into Skyrim. After that I watch a little TV including a small bit of football. Ya I Know, huh? Pooping out about 9:00 pm so I take an ambien.

Made Olde El Paso Burrito Kits for lunch and homemade chicken soup for supper.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I wake up too early 5:00, but decide to stay up anyway, I neaten my house and finally do a couple of batches of laundry. The weather is noticeably cooler today so I wear long pant sweats and two t-shirts. I won't put on the heat. Gave a tiny thought to do Disney but didn't feel up for it. Plus forecast says rain possible. Nothing worse than cold rain at the theme parks. Watered plants, took out garbage, did light shopping,

Had leftover burritos and for supper made Kayem natural casing hotdogs in potato rolls. Not anywhere as good as Saugeys in Rhode Island. Drank 12 bottles of PBR.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Woke up reluctantly with a bad PBR-induced hangover. Not wanting to go anywhere today. Luckily I don't have to. Played a little Skyrim but was wanting something more hardcore so loaded up GTA IV, I'm still on the first mission with this shit so I don't have guns yet and some dudes were like beating me to death 'cause I bumped into them on the sidewalk. Fuck this, I tab out to look up cheat codes but then I get distracted by porn. I literally stumble upon these "tumblr" blog filled to the virtual rafters with really hot porn, pics and videos, and amazingly no spam header ads, pop-unders, page deflects...none of that shit man! Spent the next couple of hours checkin' it all out, yeah....

Had the 2 remaining hot dogs and for supper cooked me up some On-Cor Salisbury Steak patties and mixed frozen veggies in Con Queso sauce. Stirred me up some d'at Zatairain's Red Beans and Rice to go with it. It was the bomb, yall!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Very cold today...I actually had to turn on the heat. In the low 40's...brrrr! Stayed in all day. Putted around watching TV movies, tumbling through tumblr, and a little general web browsing. Laid low from Skyrim today. But in the evening, decided to boot up some GTA IV, this game is really hard. I still haven't got a gun and since I was distracted last time, I forgot to get some cheat codes.

Lunch was more of that Salisbury steak dinner and had waffles with sugar-free syrup for dinner.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Much better weather today and I felt alert so I made my way over to Disney. Before I left the 'hood though, I decided to have my lunch at Chan's in the Publix plaza. Still say they're almost as good as the other Chan's in Lake Mary. Still not quite the Metairie place though.

Now my belly was full and I was tempted to abort the planned day and simply shlep back home to nap, but I persevered and though I took a circuitous route due to indecision I finally got to Hollywood Studios around 1:30.

The Indiana Jones show was about to start so I watched that. Nice. Hasn't really changed much over the years. Oh how I remember the time I volunteered to be an "extra" on stage and had to do my best impression of a dude getting shot dead. I wanted it to look good so I did a true dead drop and hit the back of my head hard on the concrete surface of the stage. My turban even fell off.

Now they have what looks like a regular audience member do that stunt but he gets picked throughout the show for more and more central roles and ever so slowly he's performing more and more challenging stunts until it dawns on you that he's actually a plant. Finally, during a scene when the stunts he does could only be performed by a pro, he's "outed" and told to take a bow to the audience. Cute.

Chinese buffet for lunch and chicken with gravy along with the leftover cheesy veggies for supper.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The cold was back today, and the heater was back on. A freakin' mosquito kept buzzing in my ear and I woke at 5:30 to try to kill it. Couln't find it but decided to clean my bathroom as it may the source of mosquito breeding. Ric was off from work and we played Civ for a few hours. I took an hour-long break around 5:00 to get some frozen Publix pizzas and an 18-pack of PBR cans. We kept playing 'till about 10 or so when I passed out.

Lunch was a smorgasbord of leftovers: chicken w/ gravy, mixed with the cheesy rice and supper was some self-rising crust pepperoni pizza from Publix freezer case.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hangover all day. Not as bad as the past few, though. Took some ibuprophen. Noticed I was out of Lisinopril, tried to re-order online, it didn't let me since there were no refills. Called in to the pharmacy, they said they'd get with my doctor for new script but that wouldn't go in 'till Tuesday due to the holiday so she offered me a small amount to hold me over. I told her I'd be in tomorrow. Cold again today. Watched TV movies and some cooking shows. Played a little Civ with Ric later on but was needing to bite the tail of the dog that bit me so I finished the 6 indians that remained from the 18-pack, popped an ambien and called it a night early.

Grazed all day, ate leftover pizza (don't heat it in the microwave, it sucks that way), made ziti with jar sauce, had way too many helpings.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Went to Walmart to pick up my Lisinopril holdover and also bought some new burner guards for the stove. Not in the mood to do further shopping so just went home. Tried to get back to sleep but the neighbor's dog kept barking and the upstairs neighbor kept walking around, opening her patio door every half hour. Kids were playing loudly in the yard. Man, I'm kinda glad I normally sleep through all this crap. But it's usually on the weekends only. Tumblr, YouTube, News.  Mainly TV though from the Today Show until I could no longer tolerate it, to a gamut of bad movies. Ugh!

Lunch was the other Publix frozen pizza which I munched on throughout the day along with some ziti leftovers.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Got up late (around 2:00pm) trying to maneuver my sleep pattern back to accommodate my job which I'd be returning to in a day. Plan was to try and push it through to tomorrow morning, but I had cravings again...UGH! Went out and shopped at Big Lots for bowls (I accidentally broke one of my nice white porcelain Japanese bowls), a new bath mat set and some odd-branded nibble foods. Then jetted across Semoran to the am-pm (I guess this one's still around, I thought they had all converted over to 7-Elevens?) and got a 12 of Busch (PBR is giving me wicked hangovers so I thought I'd fall back on my tried and true "standard"). Grabbed a $2 quick-pick Powerball while I was at it too.

Was going to play Civ with Ric but he wanted to go to a pub near him and wasn't being talked out of it. I played Skyrim for a while but soon after sundown, I don't remember what else. I passed out.

Made frozen General Tso's chicken kit but really accented it with lots of my own ingredients like fresh chicken, more veggies, my own sweet, sour and spicy sauce and another pint of frozen fried rice. Came out really good!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Very hungover and when I counted the remains in the fridge, it looks like I'd only had 7 beers. What? This hungover from just seven beers? Then it dawned on me. I know myself all too well. I looked around for it and in the trash I saw an empty Cheetos bag inside a Publix plastic bag and along with it, a receipt for the Cheetos and a 12-pack of Busch.

Another 12-pack. So I must have finished the first 12, packed up the empty cans and box into a garbage bag, took that out to my trunk, drove to Publix and bought more provisions, including nasty junk food I only eat when I'm drunk. I didn't remember doing this at all.

In frustration I decided to sleep through the day to get ready for the night shift. I popped an ambien, limited affect. At noon I ate some of the left over food from yesterday, and popped another ambien for good measure. Still tossing and turning by 3, I decided to take two Benedryls, another abmbien and the remaining 5 beers in the fridge. That did the trick. Woke up just before the alarm at 9:30 pm. Feeling a bit woozy and off-balance. I wonder why.

These "staycations" are killing me. All I do is eat, drink and lounge around.

Well, like Daffy says: "Eh, it's a livin'"