Stormy Weather We Are Having

Ironically, I'm watching the Redford/Pitt movie "Spy Game" on AMC right now and I'm reminded of (though they didn't use it in this film) the old spy movie cliche of a spy meeting their contact and determining they had the right person by engaging in cheesy coded "small talk".

"Good day to you."
"Stormy weather we are having today."
"They say it is mild and sunny in Vladivostok."
"I prefer my tea with lemon."

This somewhat describes the atmosphere at work now.

The Helen/Susan godhead is all in a tizzy since I revealed to them a glaring lapse of security in our email system which may or may not have been utilized by members of the Junta. All the passwords that were automatically issued to each employee on hire were simply the names of different colors. I know for a fact June knew of this since we talked about it when we got our passwords several months ago.

Me: "My password is just the name of a color."
Her: "Mine too."
Me: "Magenta"
Her: "Violet"

So the assumption is that June found out about the email I sent to Susan about Katherine sleeping by elicitly hacking into either mine or Susan's email account.

And I may have contributed a tad to this perception.

But in truth, I really don't see June as THAT devious. She simply doesn't seem that intricately concerned about the office politics and such. She's mentioned frequently that this is just a means to get by for help pay bills and school tuition. Her mind and her heart is not at all devoted to this workplace.

I think she found out the simple, old-fashioned way. Someone overhead something and then they started the ol' rumor mill wheels a-spinning. The walls of the place echo voices very well and staff who happen to be around during the golden hours of the mid-afternoon when so much chatter among numerous people, all in open door rooms goes on, can hear a lot indeed.

Also, June is acting very unsure about me. She asked me why it is that Charmaine said I was "making statements against her and Katherine" and I answered, cautiously, "I don't know why Charmaine would say that?"

My answer is truthful. Even if I believed Charmaine would say something to June in the first place, I really wouldn't know why she would inform June of anything of a confidential discussion between management and me. I didn't deny making any "statements", since I have no reason for covering up my actions. I'm just not saying more to her since it really isn't about her. It's about Katherine. If June wants to stand by her friend and be dragged down with her...well that's her choice.

Of course if it comes down to both of them getting burned in all this, the Junta will play the race card and imply that was my motive for "starting it all".

And before that "day" ever comes, will it be a mental Mexican standoff each shift? Who can you trust, we're all no doubt thinking. Who can you trust, indeed.