Double Agents?

It appears there has been some sort of leak in the security of Top Secret information among the Fascist faction.

Yes, that's right, I'm talking about my Workplace War.

As I mentioned before, I assumed that I had the upper-hand since I had made my allegiance to Helen and Susan known to them by finking on my co-worker. What's more, it seemed that I'd not feel the heat of a Junta counter-attack right away since I was given free reign in the decision on when, if ever, to pull the trigger to get that person fired.

Well, this morning Katherine got her double chair make-shift bed all set up, and cozied up in it right after rounds. Before long she was snoring away in Sleepy Sleepy Land. I sat there contemplating the use of my secret trump card but decided that the current situation, with an informed yet inactive Gestapo was probably best and I continued to watch my Netflix-streamed movie and ignored her sleeping. If I really felt slighted, I said to myself, I could always act on it another day.

Then the oddest thing...

The office phone rang on Line 4. This line is rarely used. I've only seen it used by a friend of Katherine's who would occasionally call her on it. (Why not her cell phone? I don't know.) I woke Katherine up joking saying she had a call on her "private" line since I thought it was her friend. She answered it and she said "It's June!", kinda surprised. She listened for a bit then gave June her cell phone number. A minute later she answered her cell phone and left the room.

She was away a few minutes and when she came back she put the second chair back in the other room, sat upright in her chair and called up who I assumed was her friend. (Her friend, BTW, is, I think, a former co-worker from another residential facility who works overnights, thus the availability to talk at 3:00 am) Katherine started talking about how she had to be on-guard now and was pissed that her job was in jeopardy.

Was she talking about my communication to Susan?

If so, how the fuck did she find out?

I certainly didn't mention anything to June and I would doubt Susan would say anything to anyone "unloyal".

But afterwards Katherine was still nice to me and her actions didn't seem at all indicative of someone cautious or vindictive so it may not be me she was warned about, if that's what the whole thing was.

It remains a mystery...

What does Katherine know? Who is she mad at? Why did June call her? If June warned her, how did June come to know? Is she able to hack my private email? Maybe she reads this blog? Does Susan confide stuff to a Junta supporter? Am I the only one saying Katherine sleeps? Is it about sleeping or something else? Will she sleep again? If not, have I lost my football? If I don't have the football, who does? The Grand Duchy of Finwick?

(Cue the cheesy dramatic "Ton Ton TAAAAAAAA" cliffhanger music!)