Beer And Board Games Fan

There's a lot of stupid ass shit on YouTube, of course, but so many amateur comedy skit things really come across as either a.) TOO amateur, b.) poorly written or c.) poorly acted. What's more, good comic humor can be written and directed well but unless the actors have natural comedic timing and sensibility, they can easily suck. This is even more vital when it's a comic duo or a group and essential when the material is mainly improv.

I present to you one of the best comedy video series, IMHO, on YouTube today...Beer and Board Games.

The premise is quite simple. Four guys get together and play a board game together while drinking exotic beers (chosen by viewers who have donated money) and film it all for YouTube.

Now, truth be told, it's not quite totally amateur. The guys are members and contributors of Blame Society Productions and are responsible for a few already successful YouTube video comedy series (Dr. Moley and Chad Vader to name a couple). Matt and Aaron (and perhaps others) also have at least some "real" professional bullet point accomplishments (ie. real jobs) they could include on their resumes.

The good buddy rapport these guys have seems so entirely genuine. Whether it's the four we see in the video example included below or it's a group swapping out Dylan and Jason for equally funny alternates (especially Aaron's brother Andrew), the way-too-short sub-10 minute clip is sure to have you literally pissing your pants laughing.