Smartphone Stupid

I admit it. I'm smartphone stupid.

I purposely avoid getting one, learning about its features and using one. I really don't see the need.

I think, like Twitter and Facebook, it's just a fad. Yep, that's right, I think they're all pretty useless fascinations that are extremely popular right now, but, in time, I see their usage dwindling.

Unless you're a celebrity or otherwise have a very interesting life, your Twitter and Facebook readers are either already good friends and loving family, or they're just hoping you "return the love" and read their equally mundane and worthless posts. And as for that so-called smartphone in your pocket...

It costs thousands of dollars, and provides mediocre to bad service for the applications it was designed to handle. Let's face it, as a telephony device it's prone to all sorts of problems: sound distortion, poor amplification, static or feedback, call dropping, you name it. And for any of the other uses, I have 3 words. Two inch screen. Better have tiny fingers and really good eyes.

But it seems everyone has one nowadays. And they rudely use them everywhere. At the supermarket, in restaurants, at the movie theater, walking down the street, even driving.

Last week I witnessed the most inappropriate usage of texting and emailing on cell phones yet...of all places, where would you think would be the worst place to be distracted, zoning out everything else around you while you squint at and tap on a tiny little LCD screen? Church, you say? Fuck that, I'm glad for their sane mind if they're more interested in sexting their screw pal than listening to some idiot spewing lies on a pulpit.

No, much worse. It's the one place you would think would be a sanctuary from the banality and drone-like behavior of mindlessly using a smartphone. I'm talking about Disney World.

That's right, with the kids spazzing out beside you with glee that they're actually in the most magical place on Earth, you're a heartless bastard checking your email. And it's probably work email at that, making it even more unforgivable.

How dare all of you who I saw zombified by the icy glow of your tiny viewscreens while all the splendors of the Magic Kingdom danced and sang there for your enjoyment!

And even worse still were the families where all members, parents and kids alike were all on their phones, tapping and squinting, ignoring everything and everyone else around them.

What level of Hades are you consigned to where you can't escape, if even for one day, to a fantastic world where your boring and dreary normal life is left temporarily forgotten?

So who's the real stupid one here?