An Interesting Couple Of Weeks

Late last month, Ric's A/C went out so I invited him to stay overnight at my place during our mutual off-from-work weekend (Sun - Mon). At first I promised myself I'd only drink sodas but before you know it I was hopping from bar to bar, sucking down margaritas, followed by hurricanes in fishbowls. And puking it up (a little bit) in the back of a cab at 2 am. Ah, what a great friend I have in Ric. Just not if I'm trying to stay sober. (Or save night = $120)

My boss emailed me a couple weeks ago saying a position was going to be opening up soon since the person doing the job now was going out on maternity, and not coming back. I thought the job might have some benefits greater than what I have now, namely, 9-5 ish, weekdays, mostly office work and more money.

Well, after shadowing with the girl doing it now, it's 9-5 ish (but only if your schedule isn't manipulated last minute by the boss, which happens frequently), your office duties are intense and your expected to also do direct care and (the clincher) it's only a 20 cent an hour increase in pay. I politely declined the offer. I'll stay here on the night shift with the moon and bats and creepy-crawly things.

Joe and Zach moved back in with Ric last week. (Did I ever mention a couple of months ago when they moved out?) They also have a big pit bull named Leo now. And they leave him for Ric to care for most days.

Last week I took Nugget into the dealership to have the recall things taken care of (and to have a strange sound looked at). Everything was pretty much paid for being either under the factory recall or (in the case of the sound...some wheel drum something or other) under drive-train warranty so I got away cheap.

But then a few days later, her check engine light came on. Oh Brother. And when I went to fill her with gas, it started gushing out from the bottom of the tank!

I drove it back to the dealer: it turned out to be a crack in the gas tank which they didn't out-right admit they caused, but c' of the recall issues dealt with the gas tank being removed and put back in place so they handled it. They paid for a new tank and my rental car while they did the work, so I guess they somewhat admitted guilt after all.

After they were done and as I pulled away from the service bay and went over a speed bump, I heard a harsh grinding from under the car. The metal shield on the tank was loose, so again they had to put Nugget up on the racks. OMG! The associate handling me was very polite and apologetic but I doubt I'll be going back to them anytime soon.