She Walks Among Us

As indeed the entire world probably knows by now, today Casey Anthony is a free woman. Whisked away from Thirty-Third (as the county jailhouse is known here) hurriedly by her "friends" aka her defense team, she's now laying low somewhere, "enjoying" her "freedom".

There's a lot of quoted words in the above sentence because unlike most average people who have served their time in jail, she is quite unique. She has no family (I think she's written them off) and no real friends. She can't really do anything a normal released con could (and should) do to integrate back into society like get a job, find housing, be a consumer of goods and services in her community. She'd be spotted the second she tried.

Around here I guess having a "Brush with Casey" could be a new social media game like Foursquare where you could earn your points if you happen to be someplace like Publix or something and suddenly she comes in with a scarf and dark glasses to quickly pick up a bottle of chloroform, er, I mean soda, or something. You'd nervously fumble for your smartphone and tweet what you saw. Oh you'd have juicy conversation material for next few days for sure.

We (the general public) will always be on the lookout for poor Casey. We'll never let her forget. It is our way. Oh, no, I don't think she'll come across any real violence actually. Who'd throw away their own lives for that? But like lepers in "the old days" she'll be ostracized forever by any community she comes in contact with.

As for me, personally, I could care less. I'm too much of a jaded pessimist to think that somehow justice will be served in some way. It won't. Get over it, people. She got away with murder. Plain and simple. Be glad it wasn't the mass murder or random serial killer type of shit.

So lay down your sleepy heads upon thine pillows my fellow Orlandoans. 'Cause you know that if in the middle of the night Casey comes creepin' 'round your back stair...

...the paparazzi will be there to catch it all on film.