LIVE BLOG: The Royal Wedding

4:14  Still trying to find a good website broadcasting live coverage. Spent only a few minutes on ABC's site before the squawking between Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer gave me a headache, so I'm scoping out another site...

4:20 Watching it on E! Online. All British sounding announcers...David and Victoria Beckham are shown walking into Westminster Cathedral. Wow he looks hot! And Victoria is stunning. Workin' the weird little hat, she is. Lovely.

4:24 Marching band approaching Buckingham Palace. Cool.

4:30 Ugh! They're doing this panel of talking heads and all they can bicker about is fashion. They're going on and on about Kate's dress. Wondering who she'll be wearing. (Um, won't we all know in a few minutes?) The background music is nausiating too. A silly musak/pop mix of Ode to Joy. I think I have to look around for another stream site...

4:46  Elton John and his hubby David arriving now. They look fabulous and are sitting right up front.

4:50 I just tricked June. I pulled up a T-Mobile commercial on YouTube that is a parody of the wedding. I played it full screen and told her to watch the kookiness going down. She watched as what looked like the Royal Family started dancing down the aisle. She thought it was real and was shocked. Then she said "Why do I think this is something like Saturday Night Live?" I admitted to what it was and she laughed. She's back on her computer now, playing that damned Settlers game she always plays. I don't think she's that horribly interested in the wedding.

4:56 I just spent 3 minutes trying to get my 2 browsers to tile up with a quick click and drag like I saw on a Windows 7 commercial. I've done it before but I can't remember how I did it. Anyway, I switched back to ABC Online. I tried finding other sites streaming it but can't find any. Well at least there's no irritating background music on this one.

4:59 OMG how funny some of these hats the women are wearing!

5:04 The Prime Minister's wife in a kinda short-ish blue-green dress with short sleeves and wearing no hat! How unconventional.

5:13 William and his bro Harry are being driven to the church now. Hmmm, in a Bentley. I thought they were going to use horse-drawn carriages. Maybe for the couple once they're married.

5:17 They just went through a red light. Oh well, no other traffic on the road of course. Plus, they're Princes dammit.

5:34 Oh thankfully they either stopped ringing those bells or the broadcasters realized it was irritating and muted them. Whew!

5:37 I lost my feed. It cut out when I tried to upload a picure for the header to this post. Mildred musn't like to do both simultaneously.

5:39 There. Uploaded my pic. Ain't it cute?

5:40 It's back now. So's the bells...ugh!

5:42 The Queen. Passing by Barbara Walters' desk setup. I wonder if she's impressed. (Plug in either woman to stand for"she" in that sentence.)

5:44 Charles and Camilla. Charles has just a tad more medals than his sons.

5:49 Here arrives the Queen and the trumpets blare. Prince Philip has yet even more medals.

5:55 Kate going down the road now.

6:03 How pretty...

And now it's time to pass out Synthroids and wrap up the shift so we end our Live Blog here. I'm sure I'll have no lack of video to watch later today featuring the ceremony itself. Consider this the Red Carpet Show;)