Pure Hip Hop Imagination

I've always been one to marvel and gape at the new and different. My newest fixation: Battle Rap and home-brewed hip hop jams.

Yes, I know. Very different.

The new kid at work turned me on to this. He's a 20-something nigga. (I can say that now since I'm "cool" and "down with the homies", right? What? No, I can't say that? Really? Oh well let me stop before you "fuck me up".)

He let me listen to a few of his rhymes. Hmm. Very "8 Mile-ish", but also, very creative.

Yes it seems all Battle Rappers are quite homophobic using "faggot" and "homo" and all manner of gay acts to humiliate their opponent. (Well, not the "acts" themselves, just the vervbal "slander" of alledging that their opponent likes them...a lot...and in intricate detail....hmmm.) But I think it's a generational thing. I think a lot of the 20-something set use homosexuality as an easy whipping boy. Especially ex-military, like him. Odd thing is, many of them are bi or out right gay themselves. Eh. Go figure.

Here's one of my favorites of Mike's, my co-worker. Obviously amateurishly remixed but you can sense that if he had the right equipment, the sampling would flawlessly meld with the lyrics. That's him rapping. Sounds good and his lyrics are tight, if I say so myself.