Lost In Translation

I feel a bit lost in translation as I am currently watching Japanese TV (in Japanese without English subtitles) via Bright House to keep abreast of the recent disaster. Let me tell you, it's hard to interpret this footage on your own if you know little of Japanese culture and even less of their language.

As devastating as the tragedy is, it seems every news anchor of this channel is very calm and erudite. Never do you see the emotion that was evoked by American news anchors like Dan Rather and Peter Jennings during 9/11. These news readers are either total tools or they are robots. I can't understand it.

But then, the video footage they show of interviews with survivors and witnesses show the same rather matter-of-fact attitude from them as well.

These people are like:

"So sorry to disturb you, but we have just experienced our worst disaster ever. If you could see fit to watch us for a few minutes we will calmly show you video clips of the devastation. Thank you for taking up you time to concern yourselves with us and our problems."


The rest of the world is not so polite and deferential.

Anywhere else, the people affected would be loudly screaming for aid and succor.

But I respect the Japanese way. They want to take care of situations themselves.

But, I don't know, this time, they may need some help.