Oh, Hello Blog

Yes, I've been quite neglectful. I wish I could say it was because my life is suddenly so very interesting and fun-filled. Nope. It's just the same old dynamics: endless leisure time thanks to unemployment and newly-acquired video games.

The newest game purchased is actually the oldest of the recent 3. Sims 3 came out about a year ago I guess, but I held off on getting it because I was still handicapped by the crappy on-motherboard video card. When I upgraded that card in August, I forgot to revisit the option of buying Sims 3.

The jury is still out whether it's worth the $40 expense but I guess it's okay. Not stunningly different than Sims 2 but it is a little more fun to actually play. The sims in Sims 2 needed so much micro-management it became tedious and un-fun. I'd gotten to the point where I used the game only as a construction set, building house after house without ever playing with the sims who lived in them.

Of course the new version is a bit heavier on my graphics card and CPU so I don't know if I'll be recreating any grand mansions like I did with Sims 2. It disappointingly came with a scant few objects in its vanilla inventory too. Luckily the version I got came with an expansion pack for free along with free Sim Points to use on the website to buy new objects.

Still playing Civ 5 every now and then as well. I like looking forward to earning achievements on Steam.

Fallout: New Vegas is on hold for now. I got to a point in the game where it isn't so much of a challenge anymore.

Unemployment will continue for another month and a half but I will lose the $25 stimulus bonus or whatever it's called in December. Bummer. BTW, is this how unemployment is designed to work? Exhausting the funds completely and THEN look for a job? I don't think so.

Started seeing a doctor at the free clinic. Not as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't exactly the swanky designer decorated offices like my former cardiologist's in Heathrow but it's no Appalachian Emergency Room either. Got Metformin back and, most importantly, refilled Lisinopril. Being without that for a week and seeing my BP spike to 177/108 definitely drove home the fact that I'm on these pills for the rest of my life.

Had T-day dinner over at Ric's Thursday. It was alright. Ric's been cordial enough (for Ric that is) but I sense he's going through some of the same feelings about me that I've had, and occasionally still have, about him. We've grown so apart. Our mutual interests are down to practically just the most common like we both breathe oxygen and live on planet Earth.

His mom and sister were down from Indy. Let's just say I don't think either of them care too much for Ric's new roommates. They made a good show of course but I sensed a bit of snobbery on their part. Spending a day with a group of dysfunctional people makes me appreciate the stability and comfort of solitude.

Well, it's been a long night of sitting at the computer so I think I'll turn in. Sun's up and it's gonna be in the 80s again today. I hate Florida sometimes.