Steven Slater Is My Hero!

"To the passenger who called me a m---f--er, f--- you,"
-Steven Slater (allegedly)

I read the story of this JetBlue flight attendant who "embarqed" in a blaze of fabulous Drama Queen glory this morning before going to work and thought, "I'm gonna praise him in a post on my blog tonight."

Apparently I wasn't alone in that impulse...

Thousands of blog posts and even multiple Facebook fanpages have sprouted up throughout the day in support of this man who represents the secret wishes of abused and unappreciated customer service workers across the globe.

There have been many, many days in my career in customer service where I would have paid someone to allow me to go out with such panache as he did.

And to the prick who was the fucking asshole who caused all this:

Yes, that's right, arrogant entitled obnoxious fuck who thinks they can treat people as less than human...the media will eventually publish who you are and though you'll try to defend yourself, in my eyes, forever, you should just hurry up and die! The world would be better without you.

Way to go Steven!

You ruined your career, of course, and it may be hard to get ANY job after this but hell, better to be penniless and living on the streets than having to sell your soul for a dirty shekel or two wiping the assess of man-babies who should have been taught basic manners by their god-dammed mommas, for cryin' out loud!

I only wish I had your bravery and gumption.