Our Devil, Who Art In Heaven

I was cruising the Yahoo Answers boards during these wee hours and decided to do a little rabble rousing in the Religion and Spirituality forum. Lots of us atheists post there and it's always a hoot seeing 10 to 1 ratios of non-believer to believer posts offering opinions on any given question. Finally, one corner of the planet we have majority...the Internet open forum message boards.

This one chick sounded genuine enough and asked something like:

I read on another site that Satan might not be such a bad guy. Is that true? Now my faith is in question.

Well, some Bible-thumpers did respond to this likely troll question meant to possibly elicit a heated pro-God response but it's late night baby, and mainly us heathens were typing in the bulk of answers.

Here's my two cents on the subject and so far, it's got a few thumbs up. Might even make it to the coveted "Best Response" status before long. Who knows?

Well, here's the thing, and I'm not trying to be disrespectful...

If I were Satan and wanted to "bend the will" of humanity and deceive them towards a lifetime of worship for me rather than God, then here's what I'd do, assuming I had all eternity to accomplish this:

I'd foster the development of the concept of proprietary worship in the first place (ie: you can't love any other supernatural being but Me)

I'd have agents on Earth that would create a compilation of fables designed to bring forward to humanity the "word of their One, True God" (I may as whittle down the pantheonic competition) and hope it's message is disseminated and proselytized by "good minded" people.

But I would have ensured that I was the actual entity to whom worship was being devoted. I would have either suppressed or destroyed the original "real" God long ago.

How could that be? Well, if a God existed that allowed a Satan to exist, then hasn't, in essence, "He" usurped his own hegemony and proved his own non-omnipotence. It'd only be a matter of time...like from the "creation" of the Universe to the dawn of human civilization? Give or take some 13 billion years?

I'm sure that's plenty of time for Satan to plan his coup.

So ask yourself...just who are you praying to?