Orange Free State

The calorie count is higher than what I'd like and the proportion that is fat is much too large, but at least, for the 5th day now, there's no "orange".

As you can see from the chart above, orange would indicate calories from alcohol.

That's right, I'm back on the health kick and using Fit Day again.

But most of all, I'm not drinking.

With the new job starting in just 3 days, I gotta get ready. Both physically and mentally.

This blog is a pretty accurate documentation of past actions (if I post about something, that is) since I'm virtually facade-free here. That is, I don't sugar-coat anything...I tell it like it is. I think that's only fair. Part of Ric's problem is the fact he probably doesn't even come clean about things to himself. He's the epitome of self-duping. Sometimes that can be a good thing, but for the most part, and, in the long run, I think it catches up to you.

Looking back at past posts, I see that with the failures of the last two jobs I could lay some (just a small amount, I think) of the blame on my sub-par physical and mental health at the start of each. That translated down to my attitude and ability (or willingness) to deal with the adversities of each job as they inevitably arose which led to the untimely demise of each.

I can't break down with this one. I'm running at a deficit of about $200/month right now and have maxed out my credit cards. I owe Mike a month's rent and I've got each of the last 2 unemployment checks coming up over the next month already "spent". I project it'll take about 6 months to get "out of the hole" after I start getting paid in this new job.

Hopefully it'll last at least that long...

I bumped into Vivian (from Chase) at Publix on Sunday. We reminisced about the horrors of Chase (she quit only a week before I was fired). I told her I've been getting unemployment for the past eight months even though Chase contested it (as you may remember I won that hearing). She high-fived me. Hooray, I'm screwing Chase!

Well it turns out she also used to work for the company I just got hired for. That was a couple of years ago and she said she liked it but she eventually quit there because of a few key issues:

1. She wanted to make more money (ie. bonuses) and since it was a customer service only position with no selling, she wasn't apt to get much more than her hourly wage for a while. (No problem for me, I'd rather have no selling, thank you very much. And the $13/hr. is okay with me.)

2. She said they "messed with her pay" and warned me to be on the watch for that. I didn't ask for specifics about how they "messed with her pay" but I remember Vivian wasn't too organized and she was a little lost when it came to computer systems so I'm assuming the issues were probably related to her own errors in completing her weekly time sheets online.

3. Job security was pretty much nil. She said they would let whole teams of people go as business needs changed. Without notice.

This last part does worry me a bit. Being a temp sucks in this respect. You never know if the hatchet will fall any given moment. It's nominally "temp to hire" but there are no guarantees. And they seem to practice over-hiring techniques here. It's a little like a slaughterhouse. In with the fresh cows, out with the chopped up meat.

I can only hope for the best and do my part to be "retainable". Which goes right back to having a healthy body and mind. I can't be abusing attendance with "sanity days" and I certainly don't want Mr. Gout or his relations to come a callin'.

So I'll keep up the records on Fit Day, watch that fat count, reduce those overall calories and slap a positive attitude into my chunky monkey head.

And, of course, allow absolutely no orange to show up on my daily pie charts!