Three Day Buzz

Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come

Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden

Hey Man! Are ya feelin' groovy? Well I'm not!

Saturday night I went over to Rico and The Boys house and Zach offered me some pot.

Now mind you, I rarely smoke weed. Last time was with Gary back in 2003. And that was only a couple of hits off a very meager joint. Gary liked to smoke his own and rarely shared. But then again, I never ask either.

If you've read enough of my FLASHBACKS you'll get a pretty accurate picture of my drug use throughout the years. It comes in waves of about once or twice a decade and usually for no more than a few weeks at a time or even less depending on the circumstances. I only bought it when I was much younger; last time around 1985. Since then I've only ever "partook" when I was offered it for free under social situations.

We all smoked , even Ric who never did so with Gary, and sat watching Saturday Night Live stoned. I, as usual when high on this stuff, shut up like a buried clam and started diving through the layers of consciousness to try and get to the core of reality. Oh yeah, I get REALLY deep when stoned. It's all an inner journey to the Source of the Universe and shit.

Ric sounded pretty straight, commenting on the sad sketches SNL and host Alec Baldwin were trying to pull off. Truthfully, for the first half of the show, I was still sober enough to see that they were totally failing in every skit. Alec was definitely phoning it in and I guess the writing staff and regular players realized they peaked last week with Betty White and just couldn't top it, so they just gave up.

But Ric eventually wound down and we all watched quietly as the show dragged on. How weird to have 4 stoned guys watching what is supposed to be a comedy show and not laughing. I think we were all in our own little worlds by the shows end. Joe and Zach, naked except for their underwear, were cuddling with each other on the floor, munching solemnly on dry ramen noodles right out of the package. They broke off chunks of the noodle brick and fed it to each other. It was freaky to watch.

I slept over on the sofa bed and got up around 9:00 the next morning as Ric was preparing to go play golf. I felt normal enough then but as the day wore on, I became more and more aware that all the effects of smoking hadn't fully worn off. Most disturbing was the feeling of loss. It's weird and hard to describe but it feels like I lost a part of what it means to be "me". My personality and personal convictions were seemingly altered by the drug and I was not enjoying the feeling.

Here it is Tuesday and though it's fading, I still feel the effects. Though merely an easily ignored whisper now, I still feel a bit out of it. I think it's because I have so much free time to simply just sit and think, and this is the activity, in my experience, most affected by pot, thus, it makes sense it is the most enduring of the effects. Also, being fat may have something to do with it. I read THC adheres to fat cells so it might stay in a fat person's system longer.

Well, it all boils down to why I am such an infrequent user. I don't really like the effects. Especially when they linger long after the party has ended.

It's time to ride the magic purple dragon across the puffy white clouds and under the rainbow, back to my humble, boring, but solid reality.