My Dream Paradox

I came to a sudden realization recently that frankly has me perplexed. I cannot remember the last time I dreamt of anything that has happened, or could happen, in the present tense under present circumstances. And this, apparently, goes back for what seems like quite a while.

Let me explain this better.

I can't remember the time I have had a dream of anything in my awake life since around the last years or so of the 20th century.

In other words, every dream I have takes place, in time, prior to, I would guess, 1997.

That was the year I moved to Florida.

So, in yet more, other words:

As far as my dreams are concerned, I never moved to Florida.

The dreams seem, while in them, contemporaneous in I don't get the feeling I am in the past in many of them and when using objects, like riding in a car, for instance, I feel it is contemporary. A car is a good example since, if I were stuck in the 90's (or earlier) in my dreams, I think I would immediately be aware of the perceived dated-ness of the cars since automobile models change with the times so rapidly.

Though I wouldn't consider myself to be a car buff, I can easily determine at least the decade of a car model design. If I were constantly in 1990's model cars or older in my dreams, I think that anachronism would have stuck out. In reality, if you watch a number of cars drive by on a road today, most would be 2000's models, not 90's or older. At least in my town.

Which brings me to the other dilemma of these dreams. I'm never in Florida. I'm always still living in Rhode Island. Many times in a place I never really lived, but in RI nevertheless.

And lastly, it seems other people around me in my dreams are either family or friends from the 20th century only. No Roger, no Chris, no Claudia, Rich and Tascha, no Jay, no Alisicion, no Gary and, most oddly, no Ric.

In my awake life Ric has been a near daily character for over 11 years, but I can't remember the last dream I've ever had of him.

I just constantly bring up the "usual suspect" supporting character cast of my sister, brother, parents (including a living mother) and occasional friends like Linda, Michael P., and John N. In "reality" I haven't seen my sister and parents since 2003, my brother since 2000, and as for those friends...1994, 1988, and 1985 respectively.

Last night, in my dream, I was again in RI with my family there and we were all doing something so I was participating as a character. Suddenly the dream turned lucid and I was aware I was in a dream. I looked around and saw it was again in the usual location and with the usual cast of characters and I got a little perturbed. So I turned to my sister and broke out of character. I said "Where do I live?" She looked slightly puzzled for a second but then just stated matter-of-factly "Florida." Satisfied, I broke up the dream and woke up.

Note to my subconscious: Let's start getting some fresh material, guys! I'm sick and tired of the same old, same old. Y'all should have more than a decade of memories to use as source material. When I go to sleep tonight, if I don't see some palm trees and, at least, Ric's sorry-ass face, then there'll be some hell to pay!