The Loss Of LOST

You all, everybody
You all, everybody
I don't like you stupid people
Wearing expensive clothes
You all everybody
You all, everybody
You all everybody

You All Everybody -
Drive Shaft

But after last night's finale...I think I'll get over it.

The signs were there from the beginning that this whole shebang would come down to some New Age Higher-Power-centric spiritual gobbledygook. Oh, I tried to ignore them and the writers even threw in some major red herrings for us "science-minded" fans early on like the whole Dharma Initiative story arc and Daniel Faraday/Widmore's techno babble about time shifts and electromagnetic portals and all.

As it came down to the wire, I saw what they were doing in the last half hour. And even up to the last 4 minutes, I told Ric they [the writers] still had time to redeem themselves.

But they went there.

Ric loved the ending. It confirmed (in his mind) his own faith in God and Heaven. He watched this finale episode with me having never watched an episode of the show before. To say he was mightily confused is an understatement and some of his incorrect assumptions were hilarious.

You know, you'd figure after my diatribe about what J.J. Abrams did to Star Trek (you can read about that here) that I'd wise up and would have assumed he and his lackeys would have pulled the same shit with LOST. I didn't and they did.

Ultimately, the writers probably would have earned more points in my book had they actually gone with one of these endings (preferably the last):

From the rushed and illogical way this whole last season has gone, I guess I was right when I wrote this back in October of 2005:

"Lost" on ABC. Its an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, inside a mystery! Or some shit like that! I have the strong suspicion that the show's writers brainstorm each week and come up with the next episode's quirky twists and turns of plot on the fly. Probably not, but it has that..."Hey, what if they found this!!!" or "What about if they saw this!!" feel.

Ah Desmond would say "Hey Brutha, could you spare me 6 years of my life?"