THE DRUDGERY REPORT: Healthcare Ripoff

Good evening and welcome to the first installment of a new series: The Drudgery Report.

The Drudgery Report* will feature pertinent issues of the (re: my) day. It will expose the hypocrisy and corruption in our system (those that affect me) and seek to disseminate the truth (for me when I forget about it in the future).

*Yes, the title is a spoof of the well-known Drudge Report and it serves to remind one of the arduous drudgery of everyday life in this fucked up society we endure.

Tonight, we look at heathcare and the scam it seems all doctors (the ones I've had contact with) are in on.

As you may know, I've been unemployed since last November and since COBRA is a joke (who can afford those "discounted" premiums?) I subsequently am without health insurance. The president's new healthcare plan may adjust the oddities of the current system somewhat but that isn't going to affect me right now. So the fact is, the way the system is designed to work right now, if you are unemployed or under-employed (employed but no insurance), you are left to pay out-of-pocket for healthcare. Just when you can afford it the least. Does this make sense?

Soon after my insurance went bye-bye late last year, I asked my regular doctor if she knew of any stop-gap measures I might take, like reduced cost or free healthcare, in order to keep my prescriptions going while I search for a new job and then wait for new insurance.

Of course she (well not really her, of course, but her receptionist) mentioned the office had "competitive" rates for in-house tests that they offered like bloodwork and sonographic scans (both of which I badly needed) at just about $150 each. It wasn't mentioned but I'm sure this didn't cover costs of the doctor visit (probably in that same $150 range) or incidental costs (like maybe they'd charge me for the lubricating jelly they use in the sonogram?).

Side Note: Why do I need a sonogram? Am I pregnant? No, silly, they want to see if blood flow in my legs is compromised by blood vessel damage or potential clots...just what my mother had...and what killed her!

So I'm going without those tests since I can't afford them of course and thus my doctor has refused to renew any prescriptions for diabetes and gout prevention medications. Even though, without tests to confirm such, I reported to her that I was feeling much improved after taking them.

Now the old symptoms of pain in my feet and legs are back and my blood sugar is through the roof (never below 140 and usually in the 180s, frequently past 200 after eating). I have about a month to go before my blood pressure meds are also denied refill.

I found out just today, while cruising lazily around the Web, that there is a resource called 2-1-1. It's a hotline for people in need of vital human low or no cost health care! Huh?!!

Why didn't my doctor let me know about this? When I called 2-1-1, I was given a list of local clinics that might be able to help me FOR FREE!

People...It's not that I'm stupid. But until this year I've lived in one of two lifestyle scenarios:

1. I have health insurance through my employer and it assisted me when I needed it.

2. I have not had insurance, but I was healthy enough to not need it. Or, if I occasionally did, I could pay out-of-pocket for it.

Now, though, I'm living with chronic and morbid illnesses and desperately need health care, but I have no insurance and I can't afford it out-of-pocket!

"Free healthcare" is like a cuss word to many people 'cause they either think people will abuse the system or they'll have less incentive to get a job and stop being a loser. Harsh, I know, but that's how I think they* see it.

*Yes, I mean Republicans!

Am I crazy to think it is a fundamental right???

Does not the Declaration of Independence declare there are certain unalienable rights such as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?" Well how can you have "life" if you are left without medical care which could save you. That would be the fast track to death. I guess since that too is unalienable, the Republicans would have you opt for that right rather than the former. It's cheaper for them. And that's all that matters.

Until next time, this is Michael, signing out for The Drudgery Report.