It's A Miracle! Really?

Yes, you know me. I can't help but look at the black and tarnished lining in every cloud.

A big news story this weekend here in Central Florida has been the saga of Nadia Bloom, an 11-year-old girl missing for four days and found, miraculously, by a lone searcher in the swamps near Lake Jessup (which happens to be about 10 miles from me).

The man that found her, James King, relays amazing detail of the circumstances of his discovery of her despite days of searching by hundreds of volunteers. All thanks to his personal communication with...yup, you guessed it...the Lord!

According to Jim, the Lord told him where to look and he is very vocal about his faith and stuff. Every other phrase is something like Praise The Lord or Grace of God and such shit as that.

I'm not alone in suspecting that there's got to be more to the story...

1. How could the parents let Nadia go missing in the first place? Reportedly, her mother says Nadia was riding her bike around the block and didn't come back from the other side of the block like she usually does.

HUH! Why was she out of sight?

You see, Nadia is autistic and from her pictures and video of her, I would estimate somewhat severely so. Autism is difficult for parents to deal with, perhaps more so than mental retardation or mental illness like schizo-affective disorder. All because the child can be what we used to call "high-functioning"; intelligent, good in subjects at school, even excelling (sometimes freakishly) in some subjects (remember "Rainman" and Dustin Hoffman's character counting dropped toothpicks).

But they lack, in almost all cases, some very seemingly basic social skills making them extremely vulnerable to all sorts of predators, especially nefarious people with unsavory sexual urges. They should never be out of sight. Ever.

2.  This guy James King says God told him how to save Nadia.

Really? Well why did God need a middleman? Why not inform Nadia herself how to find her way home? Couldn't God speak to an autistic child? Or are there limits to God's communication?

And God created a miracle by guiding James to Nadia.

Really? Well I guess this was to make up for the other stuff God did within the past couple of days:

  • Earthquake in China kills over 500.
  • Train derails in Italy. 9 dead.
  • A huge chunk of glacier breaks off and causes a tsunami in a mountain lake in Peru. Town wiped out.
  • Crazed man goes on stabbing spree outside a Chinese school, kills 2, wounds 5 others.
  • Twitter starts putting ads on its site, further commercializing the Internet.
I like this post to a Yahoo newsgroup which may be the real truth:

Actually Supreme Leader Sarah Palin found Nadia as she parted the water of swamps while leading her flock to the land of American apple pie. I can’t wait to hear how this is Obama’s fault.