Day 156

Yup. Just over 5 months.

I don't remember what it's like to work for a living anymore.

I'm sure it will come back to me soon.

The magical money spring is drying up.

As anticipated, the unemployment coffers will be empty after this week.

The FLUID web site has only a single line of text advising claimants to call into the customer service line when their benefits run out. I guess this is to apply for an extension. And does everyone qualify for this extension? I would guess not. But in this economy, who knows.

I called the number but a recording said their systems were down and that I should hang up and call again some other time. Ugh!

So do I hold out for this federally funded extension which might cover another 6 weeks, or do I start to really hit the pavements now? Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.

In other news, last week Ric and I got our Universal Orlando Power Passes. Now they're $122 with the tax and that's after the $25 discount for bringing in a Wendy's cup. Thank you Mr. Credit Card. I'll pay you back, slowly.

Went to try out the new Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit Roller Coaster. I couldn't fit. Yet again I had to endure the embarassment of the kids stopping the ride so I could get out and be placed into the fat guy seat. But guess what? I couldn't fit in that one either! Yup, like Kraken at SeaWorld I can't ride the ride at all 'cause I'm too fuckin' fat! This blows!

The polite kids running the ride gave me two Express Passes so I could use them on another ride but the park was pretty much dead as far as other patrons so it was a quick walk on with no wait on even the most popular rides.

Of course Ric loved the coaster so I sat on a bench while he rode it again and again. I didn't mind except that the experience put me into a "need to get fit" mood and I switched from beer to diet cokes for the rest of the day.

The day wasn't a total wash, I fit on all the dark rides like Simpsons and Spiderman. I even fit on The Mummy so I got to ride at least one coaster. I didn't even try for Hulk or Dueling Dragons. I remember from the last time we were here (December '08) I could barely fit then. And only in the fat guy seats.

On our way through CityWalk between the two parks, we visited the T-shirt booth that Ric's new friend Joe works at. Joe is from South Dakota and is mostly Sioux. His boyfriend Zack just moved down from there and is Ric's new roommate. They're in their early 20's, have no car, drink regularly and smoke pot.

Will it be like old times at Ric's house now?