These Are The Days

Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And dreamed of all the great things we would do
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la...
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

"Those Were The Days" - Mary Hopkin


Time has a way of resolving all wounds. I won't say "heal" since that's not always the case, but resolve for sure. One way or another.

I've had time lately, as you know. And that time has been spent both wisely and unwisely. That's the great benefit of having lots of it, you can squander quite a bit and still make out well.

The good of it has been the time needed to do some serious introspective searching. And what I've found is again a paradox...ugly and awesome at once. Good and evil, if you will, existing in perpetual harmony, as ironic as that may sound.

It's the yin and yan, baby!

I now know that my true vocation in life is to be an observer. Ya, that's right, I'm the fat bald guy who hires the two whores to do each other while he sits in a chair a few feet away, grabbin' his tool while he watches. Or maybe not touching anything, but saving it for later. Ya, that's it...

I'm that guy. Metaphorically speaking, of course. ;)

The telephone hearing took place last Thursday. Chase had a slick talkin' lawyer presenting their side. Laura was a "witness" for them. Oh the vomit I had to hold back as I heard her bitchy voice squawking on my phone!

It was conducted like a real courtroom trial with each side questioning and given the chance to cross-examine, all to summarize with closing statements. How formal. All to just do the inevitable. I'll probably get a nice formal letter in the mail in the next few days notifying me of their decision. What do you think it'll be?

Ric went by himself on a mini-vacation to Key West a couple weeks ago ostensibly to celebrate his 47th (gulp) birthday but really an excuse to get fucked up and perhaps laid. Though, like me, I don't actually think he's all into the quickie thing too much.

I wonder if he has Mr. Peeper problems too. It's common with us men of a certain age. That's why the drug companies make soooo much money selling their "happy pills".

Actually, I think his excuse for not getting it more often is really that once he opens his mouth to let words flow out, any prospective bedder runs the other way, fast.

In any event, he didn't get laid, but did get fucked up and said he had a blast. Now he's back workin' for his devil of a company 21st Century, aka AIG in sheep's clothing. Now that Farmer's is taking them over, he says, the work environment has gotten even worse. Man, how many levels of Hell did Dante say there were?

We've been playing our sometimes marathon Direct IP Civilization games as usual but within the past few days I've put that all on hiatus. I need a break from it...and, ultimately, him.

The game I've totally been into, almost literally, lately is Oblivion. Yes, I've had this for years but when I first bought it, already on the bargain shelf, I loaded it up and it had lag issues even on the lowest graphics settings. But that was on Mildred 11. I tried it recently, on a whim, on the laptop and it runs fine. The splash screen says it's optimized for ATI Radeon which is what the laptop has, but I know that's just paid-for product placement. Or is it? 'Cause it hated M11 even with her higher-end NVIDIA. Hmmm.

So I've been ignoring the real world, instead playing a fantasy themed RPG replete with dungeons and castles and swords and battlemages, completing quests for slain emperors, Elven wizards and Orcish knights to the wee hours of the morning. I have both computers running on the desktop together. One for referencing the Elder Scrolls WIKI the other for playing the game. I even have a red wax jar candle glowing nearby with a knight and a wizard figurine around it (I kid you not!).

Yes, I wear my geekness proudly!

So now as the night slips past the witching hour and the candlelight flickers upon my keyboard, I'm reminded that "someone" has to close those infernal Oblivion gates. I must don my Dwarven cuirass, and grab my silver claymore for the glory and honor of Cyrodill!

Oh, and also to help forget that I'll soon be living in a cardboard box down by the river.