The '09-'10 Winter Retirement Update

I've mentioned before, I'm sure, how I view these lapses in my gainful employment not entirely under a negative light. In fact, I try to treat them as stints of a mini retirement of sorts. Why not? No use getting all depressed and anxious about it all. It doesn't make the situation any better. Besides, let's face it, for this current run, I all but planned it in the first place.

These past few months (Wow, has it been months already? Yeah, I guess so. Almost three of them now.) have been so relaxing and liberating. True, on my meager Unemployment Benefit income I've had to be very careful with spending, but it doesn't take much money to keep me happy. Just having the boundless array of virtually unlimited hours and hours to do what I want and when I want. That's very liberating and quite enjoyable enough.

Have you ever...

Sat in a comfortable chair near a window watching for countless hours as sunbeams play hide and seek with the clouds?

Driven down a country road with no purpose, turning onto unknown streets and following them for as long as you wish without a care as to your destination?

Slept so many hours that when you finally wake up it's two calendar days later?

Yeah, to me...this is Heaven.

But lately, tiny little fissures are starting to appear on the surface of the glass bubble I presently am shrouded by.

My doctor, you know, the new one in Longwood, is starting to get antsy, like the former one, wanting me to come in for an appointment. Without an appointment, they'll be rejecting the pharmacy requests for refills. Well, without insurance, this would be prohibitively expensive. So unless I arrange to see a free county clinic (aka SNL's Appalachian Emergency Room), I'll have to soon be weening off my meds. Who knows how this may affect my health?

I'm paying rent each month but since I essentially skipped one payment in December I'm really a month in arrears. I saw my landlord the other day and waved to him as I was backing my car out of the driveway. He didn't seem pissed but I know that he'll eventually start to ask me about the missing payment. I've discovered that he has some big money issues of his own, owing creditors thousands of dollars and in some cases more than 90 days past due. I had always assumed he was quite affluent but I guess things are rough all over. Could it mean the potential foreclosure on this property? Man, that would suck since I hear renters on foreclosed property get virtually no notice to vacate.

And finally, the most disturbing new news, Chase, being the unbelievably huge douchebag they are is formally contesting my unemployment compensation claim. They contend I was fired for misconduct. Though this is technically not true, they will likely twist the ear of the state hearing officer who'll be calling me next week regarding this. And then my income will be cut off. What's more, they'll likely ask for repayment of the thousands they've paid me since November.

As Vinny, Mike "The Situation", or Snookie might say: "What da fuck, yo! Fuckin' stugats dey got sayin' dat 'bout you! Ah fungu ya freakin' jerkoffs!"