Size DOES Matter

I've commented before how one could draw a similarity between the erecting of humongous skyscrapers and the perceived penis-size-envy of its creators. Especially in a male-dominated society like Muslim Dubai. So I won't go there again.

But with an ostentatious fireworks and light show, the gown-wearing macho men of the UAE (perhaps clothed so as not to wear pants which may reveal rather under-packed crotches) have unveiled (pun intended) its enormous phallus-symbol. With modern-classical music, dancing fountains and a big lotus flower sculpture (oh, homophobic brothers of Islam...I gotta say this reeks of gay flair and panache) the Burj Khalifa (formerly Burj Dubai) is open for business. And not a day too soon since the tiny emirate is now hard up for cash, go figure.

Seriously though, all jesting aside, a tip o' the hat to Dubai for this stupendous accomplishment. The timing of its opening day in the midst of a worldwide recession is merely a coincidence, I guess. Though it's not unprecedented. The Empire State Building opened as the Great Depression took hold and the World Trade Center debuted during the oil-crisis, inflation, unemployment riddled 1970's. The Petronas Towers' ribbon cutting took place at the start of the 1990's Asian Market crisis. Even the record-holder of the world's tallest building prior to today, Taipei 101 opened just days after the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami killed tens of thousands and ravaged that area's economy.

So swing it proudly, Dubai. Turns out you're no different than the rest of the freakin' patriarchal world. More concerned with sporting a raging hard boner to stick it to whomever is chosen than anything else. Especially in your culture, as identified in the snippet below:

The Arabic Jelqing (or Arabic Jelq) is a very old Arabian technique. The name Arabic Jelq originated in the Middle East where fathers used to prepare their sons for sexual relationships by showing them a penile massage technique (jelqing) which enlarged the size of the penis.

....(slightly blushing) "Oh, Daddy! Pump it, Daddy! Pump it!";0

And now I surely have a Fatwa put on my head. ;)