And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
-Percy Bysshe Shelley
Staring blankly across the vast, dark abyss...vainly looking for the path on the other side. For what reason? It's not like I could conjure up an enchanted bridge to traverse the chasm.
I look around me at the small Empire I've built over the past few years of quasi-stability. It is indeed small, to say the least, yet it is proudly mine.
Like many times before, most notably February of 2003, will it all be lost? And sadly, at my own hand?
A quick estimate of a yard sale potential profit from everything I own rendered a sum of not even $300 (not including items which I should be able to retain such as the two Mildreds). Throw in those things as well as a quick, barter-less sale of Nugget and we now have about $4000.
That'd last about six months if one were very careful. And very thrifty.
But at this juncture, the abyss still seems like something that can be overcome. Come a month or two from now, as I'm in the midst of a deep depression and in full-on freak out mode...well...that's another story.
By then I may no longer choose to stare across the abyss, but rather to peer directly into it. And allow myself to be enveloped by its hypnotic, vertigo-inducing magnetism.
And fall...
-Percy Bysshe Shelley
Staring blankly across the vast, dark abyss...vainly looking for the path on the other side. For what reason? It's not like I could conjure up an enchanted bridge to traverse the chasm.
I look around me at the small Empire I've built over the past few years of quasi-stability. It is indeed small, to say the least, yet it is proudly mine.
Like many times before, most notably February of 2003, will it all be lost? And sadly, at my own hand?
A quick estimate of a yard sale potential profit from everything I own rendered a sum of not even $300 (not including items which I should be able to retain such as the two Mildreds). Throw in those things as well as a quick, barter-less sale of Nugget and we now have about $4000.
That'd last about six months if one were very careful. And very thrifty.
But at this juncture, the abyss still seems like something that can be overcome. Come a month or two from now, as I'm in the midst of a deep depression and in full-on freak out mode...well...that's another story.
By then I may no longer choose to stare across the abyss, but rather to peer directly into it. And allow myself to be enveloped by its hypnotic, vertigo-inducing magnetism.
And fall...