In The Air Tonight

Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am
Well I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies

"In The Air Tonight" - Phil Collins

Well after months of griping about the hot and humid weather, I finally get what I've wanted this week. And tonight is the coldest yet with temps expected to drop down to a mere 41 degrees. I better enjoy it while I can. Cold snaps here are rarely enduring and this one'll be over by Monday with daytime highs back in the 80's and nighttime lows no less than 59. Ah well, I'll treat it like everything else lately...enjoy it while it's here...'cause we know it ain't gonna last.

I've been typing the past few posts with the new laptop (Mildred XII) but tonight I decided to use the desktop (Mildred XI) since I was browsing the net with her. I seem to alternate between the two pretty evenly. Well typing sucks on this one since the keyboard is awkwardly unbalanced on the retractable keyboard tray which has been stuck for a few months now and won't open beyond an inch or so. Plus the soft keys of the laptop are much more fun to type with. I don't know why.

I guess like Wayne, my sister is going to follow suit and ignore me after initiating a seemingly heartfelt reconnect plea to me in the first place. I mean, why did they bother? Just to make me feel like an idiot for being totally forgiving and nice to them after years of their isolation, not entirely perpetuated or even instigated by me. FEA, I say! FEA stands for Fuck 'Em All!

Ric is on my DNR (Do Not Resusitate) list too. No fault of his own, he's actually been cordial (for him that is) lately and he did invite me to spend T-Day with him as his mom and sis are down from Indy. I told him I had to work and was looking forward to the double time and a half (yeah, I still haven't told him). He's called me twice in two days and I've yet to answer. I guess he doesn't remember I despise "The Holidays" and tend to hermit away even more than usual during this time of year. I guess I'll eventually answer his calls. After all, our friendship has become little more than an occasional phone conversation consisting of 12 minutes of him talking about his mundane interests, 2 minutes of what's new with me, which is invariably not much, and then off phone "communication" by way of trying to annihilate each others armies in multi-hour sessions of "Civilization" played over the Internet.

The bug-a-boos of last winter are back. I guess they are products of the colder weather:

1. The fridge is noisy again. I can't understand why. Wouldn't you think a fridge would need to work harder in warmer weather?

2. Some small rodent(s) are scratching in the walls again. At least no big roaches. Maybe they're eating them? And there's at least one poor, starving gecko running around. I see him only every now and then and he looks thinner and thinner each time. I suspect he'll be a skeleton next time I spy him. Oh, let's not forget the ants. But at least they're Nature's Roomba. All this and I'm not supposed to have any pets.

3. The train whistle shrieks through the cool night air with more gusto and seems more "sinister" as if such a benign thing as a train whistle can actually be "evil."