Obama On Mt. Rushmore!

I think President Obama is going to be looked at as one of our great presidents by our ancestors. Yes, much ballyhoo is made lately, even by SNL's soft opening this past weekend about the current stagnation of much of his promised change. But an entrenched status quo on the part of both parties seems to resist the dramatic upheaval Obama first envisioned and we've now come to the compromise era of his initial presidential term. I think he foresaw this and he has a plan to bring us forth from this point.

My prediction is he will transform this nation as no other president before him and we'll be looking at a true American Golden Age in just a few years from now.

In a further 100 years, once time travel has been discovered, a group of historian fanatics will decide to honor the great man they read about. They'll transport back in time about 10,000 years and use their Atomic Transmutation Guns to carve the face of their hero, Barak Obama, onto the granite escarpment that would eventually be named Mt. Rushmore. But by the 20th century when Borglum decides to create his monument, the image of the future president has all but worn away due the effects of time and erosion over the millennia.

Tonight, just by chance, I looked at an image of today's Mt. Rushmore and I put it all together.

Of course! Why couldn't anyone see this until now?

Here's Mt. Rushmore:

Notice in this close up of the upper left hand side of the mountain, you can just about make out the faint outline of Obama's face:

OMG! I must be the first to notice this!

Excuse me please, I need to call the good folks at Weekly World News!