Flash Frozen

Oh how I despise our local cable company.

My "buddies" at Bright House Networks are caught sleeping at the wheel again.

This time, almost all the channels are frozen in time on one image for almost an hour.

Luckily I wasn't really that into the show I was watching so it didn't phase me that much but it just adds yet another snafu to the already long list of problems this cable company has here in Central Florida.

I feel bad for all the viewers watching their favorite prime-time shows only to have their time wasted for a whole hour. And since the shows were frozen, they couldn't even be TIVOed.

Here's a rundown of the channels I flipped thru and analyzed the image during the "freeze". I started late so I got only as far as Channel 10 before the freeze "thawed" and all was right with the TV world once again.

2 (PBS) The chyron reads: "Terry Tempest Williams, writer"...close up of a middle-aged blond woman staring pensively off camera while apperantly being interviewed or filmed for a commentary segment in a documentary.

3 (FOX) A geeky looking guy (a waiter?) wearing a white shirt, black bowtie and black-framed glasses...background, a mustard-colored wall with a tasteful wall lamp and picture hanging on it.

4 (NBC) A police lineup of men with numbers on their chest in the background and an identifying victim? (female) and bearded guy (cop?) with tie and jacket in the foreground.

5 (CBS) Playing normally.

6 (MyNetwork) Same.

7 (ABC) Two guys one black one white walking along a corridor, the black guy carrying a small box. They are shot through the foreground image of an office window through open mini-blinds (I recognize this as a scene from last night's episode of "Flashforward" which was replayed tonite).

8 (CW) A (woman?) cut off by the shot showing only her shoulder and what looks like a billiard cue with a purple and white glass paned window in the background.

9 (Bright House) The "Zap 2 It" viewers guide frozen on 8:25:17 and the "upcoming" lineup for 8:30 thru 9:30 on channels 6 thru 12.

10 (IND) A very blurry blue, green and white abstract image, obviously an in-motion image caught in mid-stream.

Out-of-synch audio and video, frequently rearranged channels, lost channels, intermittently grainy picture, and legendarily confusing customer service, it's the last monopoly you gotta love to hate.

But if you're a TV junkie, needing his regular fix, putting down the remote is easier said than done.