EDM LIST: 1993

Tonight we start a new feature on the blog. The EDM LIST for a specific year in my life. Similar to the FLASHBACK series, it'll focus on details pertaing to the stated year, but it will be restricted only to the answers of a series of questiosns which will be repeated in subsequent posts for other years in order to note and record the evolution of likes, dislikes and trends over time.

So like so many of those "100 questions" style posts on so many blogs, it should shed a little light onto the real me. But over the course of my life, captured snaphot-style one random year at a time.

The first year to be highlighted, by total random selection is:

Drumroll please since I am choosing this as I type...


Without further ado, here are the standardized questions along with the answers:

(BTW, it starts off rather mundanly with simple choices about food preferences, then drink, then entertainment because I recently realized my tastes in beer, coffee and some foods had changed, so I thought I'd catogorize my preferences starting with Eat, Drink and be Merry (EBM) and then go on from there...enjoy!)

breakfast item: 4 cups black coffee and a PPA
lunch item: 2 liters of Diet Coke and another PPA
dinner item: A Weight Watchers/Richard Simmons/Covert Bailey approved 600 calorie meal
dessert item: an apple
snack item: Mr. Phipps and fat-free cream cheese
mixed drink: NONE, I AM ALCOHOL-FREE
coffee brand: Melita
soda: Diet Coke
non-carbonated soft drink: Poland Spring bottled water
prime time tv show: The Nanny
late night tv show: Late Show with David Letterman
late late night tv show: Late Night with Conan O'Brien
cable tv show: The Larry Sanders Show
comic: Jerry Seinfeld
actor: Tom Hanks
musician: C.C. Peniston
visual artist: Tom of Finland
film director: Steven Spielberg
techno gadget: a 9600-baud modem, a long-distance BBS and about $80 a month
trendy item: non-stop replay of Rodney King beating video
computer game: Doom
aerobic exercise: Cardio-glide
weight-training exercise: 10-pound dumbells
active pasttime: walking
passive pasttime: cruising AOL
porn star: Erik Houston
sexual fantasy: threeway
total number of porn videos owned: 36
best friend: Wayne
worst enemy: Jen Cournoyer
real person around me I'd most like to fuck: Jeff Cooper
favorite current pop song: "I'm Every Woman" - Whitney Houston
favorite current pop icon: Madonna
current (top) record/8-track/cassette/cd/mp3 in my player right now: C + C Music Factory
most time-consuming hobby: working out
biggest cheap thrill: a PPA buzz
biggest fear: drinking again
most outrageous dream: to rule the world
most realistic dream: to be happy in my job
biggest pet peave: stressful people
quickest killjoy: my inconsistent erections