Cue The Circus Music

Oh what a three-ring circus it's been this past week.

Mildred: Of course you know Mildred had to be reformatted. A first for this version and because she's a Dell, it was so much more complicated than any I've done on any previous Mildred. You gotta remember, I either built from scratch each prior PC on my desk or heavily modified it so I knew its every wire and circuit. This one had only been opened once before (to add more memory) but it was mostly all the OEM shit that caused headaches. And the drivers, oh the drivers...

Well, she's running on her original, aka: replaced via overnight mail by Dell but free, OS (Windows XP Media Center Edition) and she's all fast now and shit, but, the odd graphic problem, especially noticed when running Civilization is still there. How can it be? It's so perplexing.

Work: We graduated 2 weeks ago and I've been up on the floor. It's okay, I guess. I have my good days and bad days about it. And yes, I've already called out sick one day last week. They treat it like you're killing a baby here so I won't be abusing my sick time with carefree abandon like in other jobs.

Don't worry I haven't forgotten the's coming.

Ric: Scott came down from Indy to visit with Ric this weekend so I had a refreshing weekend without him. Yea!

Home: More problems with the homefront the driveway is almost engulfed by the out-of-control strip of weeds on either side of it. They hang over the brickwork threatening to snare and gobble up Nugget. Well, maybe not that bad, but certainly ugly. About 2 months worth of overgrowth. And they have seed pods that stick to the legs of your pants which are hard to brush off. Oh brother, has the landlord gone on a bender again? (I mean, what else can it be? I last saw him about a month ago!)

Maybe he fell victim to the Attack of the Humongous Weeds?!

Now cue the "Twilight Zone" theme...Do da do da do da do da do da do da....