Why Can't They Just Leave Michael Alone?

The Michael Jackson craziness continues, weeks after his death.

Now suddenly, 25 years after the event, new never-before released video surfaces showcasing the 1984 accident causing Michael's hair to burst into flames during the taping of a Pepsi commercial.

I remember the event and there was some video broadcast then especially on the celebrity tabloids shows.

So now it seems pretty similar. A quick view of a few seconds of his hair on fire, then a crowd engulfing Michael trying to put out the flames and aid Michael as he is escorted to the hospital.

People, he is dead. Let's let bygones be bygones.

Why must we plaster image.

After image.

After image.

After image.

After image.

Of a horrific incident which happened so long ago?

Sorry...tee-hee-hee...I just couldn't resist! ;)