Code Blue!

We have an emergency on the computer desk!

Mildred has had a relapse and the symptoms are worse than ever. Major trojans and virus everywhere. So many...oh my! Like a fast-acting cancer, it's spread throughout affecting performance, speed, usability. Pop-up messages, warnings, bleeping and other assorted noises constantly going off every few seconds.

I have no choice but to do a brain transplant.

Though a computer's CPU hardware is commonly thought of as its "brain", actually, it's the Operating System that is the true "computer". Without it, the CPU could be running fine but all you'll be able to do is configure the BIOS. Not very useful.

So since I can't find the boot disk that came with Mildred for her Dell-installed OS, it's off to Best Buy I go to get a copy of Windows 7. Scratch that...just found out it won't be out 'till October...ugh! I'll have to get Vista.

At least she'll be getting the latest and greatest.

So expect a tiny delay between now and my next post. I'll be very busy reinstalling all my software. Huff, huff! Not looking forward to it.

It's my long weekend before I start my new shift, darn it! I should be relaxing!

Oh well, I guess my baby is worth it.