As a kid growing up in the '70s in Southern New England, there could be no better news than being invited to spend the day at Rocky Point. It was a comparatively small amusement park, but to a pre-teen it was a gigantic slice of what surely must be Heaven. I like many others who lived in the Rhode Island area during these halcyon heydays of this great park look upon these images with great joy, and bittersweet sadness for a lost paradise during a simpler, happier time.
There was always a long line for the House of Horrors, but it was worth it. It was a fun 3 minute ride into the bowels of Hell. Scream! Then laugh your ass off.
Ah the prices back then. Check out the sign in the photo above. It was cropped off a bit but you can see the POP (Pay One Price) for all rides, all day: $3.50! Damn! Do you know what a One Park Admission is for Walt Disney World right now? $75. Plus tax. Ya.
Here's a look down the big drop on the Flume ride. Raise your hands, if you dare!
Drenched folks on the Flume.
This coaster may look small but it kicked you with some wicked G-Forces! The main drop gave great negative g's! Even the bravest kids held on as they felt their ass lift out of the seat!
No day at Rocky Point would be complete without eating with your family at the Shore Dinner Hall. We kids would always have the chowder and clamcakes, served up Family Style in huge tourines and baskets while Mom And Dad feasted on the steamed clams by the bucket! Yum yum!
Sadly though, the park came on hard times in the '90s and here's what it's looked like for the past 15 years or so: