
So I decided to spend my birthday at Animal Kingdom yesterday.

It couldn't have been more beautiful.

The weather was perfect and though it was very busy (since it's a Spring Break week for the kiddies, I guess) the folks at the park kept it moving. Wait times were not that bad. I got to ride the Expedition Everest rollercoaster twice.

They gave me a pin to wear but it got embarrassing after a while since every cast member that saw me kept wishing me a Happy Birthday.

My energy level was great and I was able to make it throughout the park, which is one of the larger ones in area, without many rest stops. I economized my lunch by buying a single cheeseburger at the Dinoland USA restaurant and stocked up with a decadent amount of toppings at the toppings bar. No beer and I didn't miss it.

I made 2 videos of shows I watched (one is a 2-parter). Rather than embed them here you can see them on my YouTube channel:

Tomorrow Ric and I are going to Universal, I may have more videos. Stay tuned.