Looking Pasty?

Here in sunny Florida, one needs only head for the great outdoors, apply a moderate SPF protection tanning lotion, lie back in a lounge chair on a patio or beach for a few hours a day to get a glorious, golden-hued, healthy-looking tan.

But in other parts of the world right now, the weather is much too cold to even consider this as a tanning method. And when it does warm up, there may not be adaquate facilities to lie out basking in the pale sunshine more northern areas get.

What's more, traditional tanning methods can be expensive what with the time, travel and parking to get on the beach, crowds, costly ointments and creams, and hard to control exposure to too much sun causing uneven tanning or sunburns.

Who needs the hassle?

Finally, technology has once again come to the rescue.

Just click on the sun icon above and your tanning woes will be solved forever!

It's amazing!