An Apple A Day...

But in my case it seems that just ain't enough.

My gout and subsequent swelling have gone away, but everything else seems to have gone to pot. BP is back up, now I'm taking the full 50mg of Metoprol on top of the Lisinopril. Have to take one dose in morning, another in the evening because the extended release version is hard to it's not one of the $4 generics.

Doctor wanted me to take blood tests again for sugar, cholesterol and uric acid levels, but I can't since I now have no insurance.

Weight is up to about 329 again. Having trouble standing for more than a few minutes and walking, well, that's getting near down right impossible.

Now I seem to have a form of laryngitis so it's difficult trying to persuade prospective employers to hear how good I sound, when, right now, I don't.

One little glimmer of hope...I should get some exercise Thursday when I go to one of the Disney parks for free. Disney is offering free admission this year for anyone on their birthday. How cool is that. I just have to print out this ticket they emailed me. Darn library computers couldn't open a PDF attachment. Oh brother!

Oh, BTW, Ric and I are friends again.

I broke down and called him Saturday and finally later that night he called back...drunk of course.

We went out to UNO's Sunday night then kicked back at his house and chilled in his jacussi. It was nice, like the old days.

I told him I was still working though. If it all breaks down and I have to move back in with him, I don't want him to think I planned it that way. Because I didn't. Not really.

At least I don't think so.

Man, I need more than an apple to cure me.