Workin' The System

So my boss Rick called me late last Friday afternoon and asked if I had a doctor's note for the 4 days I took off last week for this ailment. I told him I hadn't been to the doctor since I've had flare ups of this condition before and I was self-treating. Further, I said, I didn't have health insurance yet so I couldn't afford to pay full price for a doctor's visit. He seemed concerned and started giving me the old "well the company's policy..." and all. I told him it seemed like my foot was getting better and that I'd be in on Monday. He said that he'd be out Monday but he'd arrange for Linda (the scheduling supervisor) to "meet with me".

"Hmm, what did this all mean?", I wondered. Am I being targeted for termination for poor attendance similar to C-N-M back in 2006?

I went in Monday, but I was apprehensive the whole way. I debated just driving right past the building and turning back home. I came quite close. Once up in my cubicle I got my water and coffee, making sure to let as many co-workers see me limp along as possible. I started taking calls but after about an hour I said to myself: "Fuck this." I packed up my mug and my portable fan, logged off the system, turned off the computer and said goodbye silently to Jar Jar Binks, who, similar to his placement on my cubicle shelf at Symantec, sat with General Grevious in front of Marshall's rainbow-colored origami wheel. Yes I was abandoning them.

But then a funny thing happened on the way back home. I stopped by the post office and there was one piece of mail waiting for me. It was my new Aetna card for the Embarq HMO plan I'd selected. I thought I'd have to wait until the beginning of April in order to enjoy health benefits, but I guess it kicked in early. As I reflected on the jewel that I held in my hand, my whole attitude about work changed. Now that I can make an appointment with my doctor, I think I will give this job another chance. But on my terms, of course...

I met with my doctor today. He checked out my foot and, of course, whipped that prescription pad out. Since the gout flare up is in its end stage now, I wasn't too interested in the Colchicine he prescribed, I was more interested in him using that pad and pen to write me a doctor's note. I told him I would need it to excuse me from work until next Monday.

He grinned and gave me a "c'mon" look saying that it was a bit excessive for gout. But I stuck to my guns. I told him I wanted to be sure the swelling was totally subsided. He relented though with a little apprehension but I got my note.

And another 6 days before I have to return to the grind. I'll discreetly replace my fan and fill my cup with coffee, limp ever so slightly around the office, turn my golden ticket in and suck it up and do some work. How can I be so cavalier as to walk (or hobble) away from a job in this economy? I can't afford to, is the short and simple answer.

Will there be some hell to pay? Maybe in some attitudes, but I think I know the workplace rights game fairly well and when you have a doctor's note, baby, you got the ultimate trump card.

Maybe I should have pushed for two weeks?