On The Boob Tube

*LOST: With this season, all previous time frames are themselves LOST. Not only have the producers of the show made us wait almost a whole year for the new season but now we shift between the past and the future erratically throughout each episode. And who's to say what the "present" is? Is it days after the freighter exploded and the island disappeared as it nominally is for the Locke/Sawyer/Daniel left behind group? (Except that they really are quite unstuck in time and who's to say "when" they are at any given moment) Or is it 3 years later as it is for the infamous Oceanic Six (as well Desmond, Ben and Locke's body)? This week's episode had the cloud monster killing a few of Danielle's shipwrecked party after they find Jin floating in the sea near the island, alive but an unwitting time traveler since it was now, for them, 1988. Then Jin jumped in time a few months forward and Danielle was shooting everyone on sight since her party, including her boyfriend (and her unborn baby's daddy), went crazy. Before the end of the show, Charlotte was dead and Locke was cranking up the big wheel underneath the Orchid station (or where it would be built) in order to move the island again.

*BSG: Oh Gaeta! What happened to you? For four seasons, Gaeta was a loyal good guy. (Albeit a bout of poor judgment working on New Caprica as President Baltar's aide-de-camp but was vindicated since he was a secret spy for the Resistance) Soon after losing his leg and being revealed to be gay, he turns into the militant leader of yet another coup against Adama, this time it's about animosity towards an ad hoc alliance with the anti-Cavill quasi-pro-human monotheistic Cylon faction and the living members of the Final 5 (ya my head is spinning too). Many die in this brief civil war including the entire Quorum of Twelve, massacred in cold blood at the hands of Vice President Zarek. Gaeta even orders the assassination of the Admiral. But the tables soon turn and instead it's Zarek and Gaeta who are staring down the long barrels of their executioners' rifles. Gaeta's gamy stump stops itching just before the guns fire. This likely signals actor Richard Hatch's curtain call on the show, not a bad run though if you count his first role as Apollo on the original series, a span of over 30 years in the BSG limelight.

*The Amazing Race: Oh yeah, it's back and I just finished watching the season premier episode. Lots of interesting couples this year. Of course, all the usual Amazing Race stereotypes: the county folk, the black sisters, the bickering newly dating couple, the hunk and his girlfriend, the working class stiffs, the old couple, and of course the gay guys (though, surprise, it's a gay father and his gay son, zing!). The bungee jump off the dam was crazy and the downhill cheese run was hilarious. Looks like it's gonna be a good season. Of course I rooting for Kris, the hottie. Hopefully there will be many a shirtless opportunity. Yum!

*Cold Case: Okay tonite's episode was probably the most warm Cold Case I've seen the series explore yet. The death occurred in September 2008. It was silly when they did the little "how they look now and then" sequence, I mean, it's barely a haircut or two ago!