Since the very nature of most blogs is entirely dependent on the initiative, or lack thereof, of the blog creator to keep posting, they can be a fickle form of communication indeed.
The magical quality that makes blogs so alluring to readers is the very quality that puts their very existence in peril.
They are the ongoing expression of the author, and for good or for bad, that makes them a wholly singular window...the viewpoint according to one person, at one given time. Since this is an aspect of human development that is in constant flux, the impetus to create and maintain the blog may, or may not, survive the constant changes of attitude and circumstance of any one blogger. It's only natural.
So because of this ephemeral nature, a blog is oh so precious since it may well be dissolved, sometimes without notice, at any given time.
Kinda like a metaphor for life, if you will.
Recently, it seems, the blogosphere is undergoing a wave of change, at least from my small, insignificant view.
The Homeless Guy, a blog maintained by chronically homeless, or nearly so, Kevin Baribeaux since 2002, seems like it has been shut down.
Here's a quote from the one of the last entries:
"I have gone a whole week without posting here. And, I'm having a hard time writing anything, anymore. So I guess this is a more formal announcement that I may not be blogging for a while still."
Another blog I follow has fallen into the realm of the absurd. I mean, just look at this haiku posted by Davey Wavey recently. It's a harbinger of the end of the blogosphere as we know it. Well...not really...;):
warmth between my thighs
an unexpected dribble
oh dear. i’m pregnant.
Ross Mathews...oh my.
His Talky Blogs were infamous in the world of blogs. One of the first pioneers of impromptu "slice of life" videos, posted virtually daily, for the world to witness the everyday life of a creative, animated and quite funny contributor to the Tonite Show with Jay Leno.
Well, now he's left the Tonite Show and started a web talk show, complete with cheesy set and bad sound, trying to do the same kinda segments which made him so adorable on the Tonight Show....celebrity interviews and backstage glances...but it falls way short of the mark. It's affiliated with CBS's Entertainment Tonight "The Insider" and has as much substance as any of that TV tabloid crap, ie. not much.
So, he's abandoned the Talky Blogs on his NBC blog and the blogsphere sighs a gasp of loss since it was from those Talky Blogs, not some scripted, cheap 10-minute show not even good enough for local public access cable TV, that he shined his light upon the Netizens of the world.
Rosie O'Donell is another drop-out amongst the community of pioneer bloggers. Now her blog URL links you to a info web site about her kids charity. Ho hum. Pah-lease!
London Preppy, what happened? He left for Australia and now we can't read about the obviously made-up, yet still very interesting high-end life style of a British fag into only the surface stuff, and just the surface stuff. Nothing more.
At least I keep shining my personal beacon of expression here and plan to continue my goal to put before the world my true thoughts and past experiences, not simply up for judgment or analysis, but merely to be available for any reader's sheer enjoyment of being able to step back and gaze through the eyes of the writer; to bear witness to that person's personal and entirely unique view on the wholly mysterious and ever-changing experience known as life.
The magical quality that makes blogs so alluring to readers is the very quality that puts their very existence in peril.
They are the ongoing expression of the author, and for good or for bad, that makes them a wholly singular window...the viewpoint according to one person, at one given time. Since this is an aspect of human development that is in constant flux, the impetus to create and maintain the blog may, or may not, survive the constant changes of attitude and circumstance of any one blogger. It's only natural.
So because of this ephemeral nature, a blog is oh so precious since it may well be dissolved, sometimes without notice, at any given time.
Kinda like a metaphor for life, if you will.
Recently, it seems, the blogosphere is undergoing a wave of change, at least from my small, insignificant view.
Here's a quote from the one of the last entries:
"I have gone a whole week without posting here. And, I'm having a hard time writing anything, anymore. So I guess this is a more formal announcement that I may not be blogging for a while still."
warmth between my thighs
an unexpected dribble
oh dear. i’m pregnant.
His Talky Blogs were infamous in the world of blogs. One of the first pioneers of impromptu "slice of life" videos, posted virtually daily, for the world to witness the everyday life of a creative, animated and quite funny contributor to the Tonite Show with Jay Leno.
Well, now he's left the Tonite Show and started a web talk show, complete with cheesy set and bad sound, trying to do the same kinda segments which made him so adorable on the Tonight Show....celebrity interviews and backstage glances...but it falls way short of the mark. It's affiliated with CBS's Entertainment Tonight "The Insider" and has as much substance as any of that TV tabloid crap, ie. not much.
So, he's abandoned the Talky Blogs on his NBC blog and the blogsphere sighs a gasp of loss since it was from those Talky Blogs, not some scripted, cheap 10-minute show not even good enough for local public access cable TV, that he shined his light upon the Netizens of the world.