Babel Fish Epic Fail

Some guys at work were playing a web-based strategy game while on break from our training. I asked what site they were on and, of course, immediately forgot it. But the site looked cool as it seemed to be a map-based strategy game available free on the web. There are a ton of them out there though and as I tried this weekend to search for their game site, I came across some interesting alternatives including this indecipherable site perhaps a review of a strategy game in the vein of the well-known Koei "Romance of the Three Kingdom" video games. No doubt, this "English version" of the presumably Chinese original interview is cryptically bizarre to say the least. I like to think that though my English grammar has a bit to be desired, at least it isn't as screwy as this:

The audience much sought after recent large-scale web game, "SanGuoFengyun" Although the strategy and the main, but with the current market compared to the similar web games, "SanGuoFengyun" design more humane, to the audience. Play the game to the extreme, strategic and tactical issue is particularly important. Based on the overwhelming majority of the players concerned, I recently took a lot of problems, an interview with the "SanGuoFengyun" the senior players totototo. Below the interview notes, let the totototo teach us how the game should be devised strategies to an enemy 1000!

Issue a reporter: tototo Hello, this is the player with a lot of the issues raised to interview you. I hope you give us a lot of good play on the "SanGuoFengyun" a number of small skills.

Tototo: Good morning, I am also very pleased to be able to take this opportunity and a lot of people exchanges.

Question 2 Reporter: First of all I am very curious, now at home and abroad so the page number of games, totototo was first exposed to how this "SanGuoFengyun"? » What is your final decision to carry one vote Sidang massive stationed in the final choice of "SanGuoFengyun"?

totototo: the causes of someone in the game I was in charge of the Forum on advertising, and then I happened to be a moderator, Shantie of the way into the next…… read stationed in the three countries said to a lot of reasons, such as the "SanGuoFengyun" have a new Gaming platform, innovative system, the official also more sincere. Play the game, of course, not only to open a simple, to play a good, there are a lot of work to do behind. Of course, the prerequisite is certainly need for the games themselves are fully understood.

3 Reporter: You left the game for the first impression is what » Remember?

totototo: give people the feeling fresh and full of local flavor, there are many innovative elements. No traditional online games magnificent game of the game screen, but to have more tactical skills, a greater variety of games, the better the interaction between allies.

Well, you get the idea. It goes on and on from there. What does it mean?

Well, let's just Babel Fish it back and find out! Here it is:

观众追寻的最近大规模网比赛, " SanGuoFengyun" 虽然战略和扼要,但是与当前市场与相似的网比赛比较了, " SanGuoFengyun" 设计更加人道,对观众此款戏剧比赛对极端,战略,并且作战问题是特别重要的。 基于球员的决大多数有关,我最近采取了很多问题,与"的一次采访; SanGuoFengyun" 资深球员totototo。 在采访笔记之下,让totototo教我们比赛怎么应该是构想的战略到一敌对1000年! 发布一位记者: tototo你好,这是有提出的很多问题的球员采访您。 我希望您给我们在"的很多好戏剧; SanGuoFengyun" 一定数量的小技能。 Tototo : 早晨好,我也是非常喜悦能采取这个机会和很多人交换。 问题2记者: 首先我是非常好奇的,现在国内外,因此比赛的页数, totototo怎样首先被暴露了在这" SanGuoFengyun" ? ”什么是您的运载一表决Sidang巨型的最终决策驻防在"最后的选择; SanGuoFengyun" ? ” totototo : 某人的起因比赛的我是负责关于做广告的论坛,我然后偶然是一位调解人,方式的Shantie到......读的下里驻防在三个国家对很多原因说,例如" SanGuoFengyun" 也有一个新的赌博平台,创新系统,更加恳切的官员。 打比赛,当然,不仅打开简单,播放好,那里是要做的很多工作后边。 当然,前提是对比赛的需要充分地一定被了解。 3记者: 您留下第一次印刷的比赛是什么”记住? ” totototo : 给人们新鲜的感觉,并且有很多地方味道,有许多创新元素。 没有比赛屏幕的传统网上游戏壮观的比赛,但是有更加作战的技能,玩法比赛更加巨大的品种,越好盟友之间的互作用。

Oh brother! Where's that Star Trek style "Universal Translator" technology?! Let's get on it techy people! C'mon, get to it! Chop, chop!

Oh, but wait, maybe the original was actually Japanese? Oh man!

Sorry Douglas Adams, "I DON'T got the Babel Fish!"