A Drag Queen Fairy Tale

Once Upon a Time...

Long ago, in a Land Far, Far Away called the Magical Island of Rhode, which wasn't an island at all but that's another story...

There lived in a Great Castle called Rosebank a rather gay young fellow who one day, out of the blue, was coaxed by his even queerer roommate to raid his Secret Sequined Closet, dive into his Magical Box O' Max Factor and transform himself into what you see here, Her Royal Prissy Princess Miss Mildred Claus.

(Judge not the poor quality of these pictures. They are fuzzy because Ole Father Time has caused their Magical Image to fade...or, since I lack a scanner it's the best I could do with a picture taken of a picture.)

Her Bitchy Highness never went out of the Castle that snowy night and it would be the one and only time she appeared to us mortals through the Secret Alchemy of 3 hours in the bathroom pasting on pancake, thickening lashes while thinning eyebrows and applying eye shadow and blush in blend after blend after blend.

So we only have these Ancient Pictures to reveal to us just how FABULOUS Our Whoreiness truly was that serendipitous but magical evening so long ago when a boy miraculously became a girl...kinda.

But she did after all Live Happily Ever After. Right?

The End.