And The Plot Thickens...

So now we find out that the meter reader who found the bag of bones as he was presumably ducking into a wooded area to take a piss reported finding a mysterious bag in those woods back in August!


This is getting thoroughly weird.

If he knew it was there, why didn't he bring the police to it? When he needed to pee last week why did he decide to go back there? Are meter readers allowed to pee in the woods on their route? Wouldn't that be against their work policies? Semoran Blvd., a major road with lots of gas stations and public restrooms is only a couple minutes away, why wouldn't he go there? If he saw the bag before, what made him kick it now. And would it be so loosely secured to have a skull roll out of it with a kick?

Of course, I'm talking about the Caylee Anthony case unfolding here in Orlando not 20 miles away.

You know, I gotta say, I smelt sumthin' fishy ever since the body was found.

Though it still hasn't been determined to be identified positively as Caylee, I find a lot of questions arise when thinking about this...

Even I did a cursory Google Maps search when this case became big this past summer. I saw that there was a pretty good amount of wooded area near the Anthony home. But when it was reported that they were doing extensive combing of the area with hundreds of volunteers, I thought this whole area had been thoroughly searched. Now we're told it was too flooded back then. Bullshit! Florida has thousands upon thousands of wooded areas like this that are prone to flooding. Why wasn't the area pumped? It was the most logical area that a body would potentially be buried.

It was only revealed to the public today, a week after the body was discovered, that there were 3 original calls to the area to check out a dumped bag in the woods. Back in August. The height of the frenzy about missing Caylee. And each call was dismissed as a false lead??? After only a single deputy went to check it out?

People!!! It's a mysterious plastic bag report, in the woods, right near the Anthony house??!!!

Did they think it was a hoax? If so, why didn't they take this meter reader in for more intensive questioning?

I'm sorry folks, but it looks like the idiotic Orange County Sherrif's Office may have just kissed this case goodbye.

At least I feel somewhat comforted in the fact that I'm a 44-year-old man so I doubt I would fit this bitch's victim of choice profile when she is found not guilty due to reasonable doubt...she apparently likes to kill little defenseless babies only!