Water, Water Everywhere...

I was watching CBS Evening News tonight (I usually watch NBC but the local NBC station was staying with local coverage of potential tornadoes in Osceola County. I don't live in Osceola County so I switched the channel.) There was a segment devoted to the safety of bottled water verses tap. It pretty much exposed the truth..bottled water is not better.

Yes, I knew it. I drink tap water, whether it's the filtered system at work or the regular tap water I use at home to make Crystal Light, I have long known it was silly to pay extra for bottled water that was no better than what was available for free.

Here's some stats I found when researching this:

Tap Water

Regulated by EPA

Bottled Water

Regulated by FDA

Cannot have confirmed E. coli or fecal Coliform bacteria.

A certain amount of any bacteria is allowed.

Filtered and/or disinfected

No federal filtration or disinfection requirements.

Violation of drinking water standards are grounds for enforcement.

Bottled water in violation of standards can still be sold.

Utilities must have their water tested by certified labs.

Such testing is not required for bottlers.

Tap water results must be reported to state or federal officials.

There are no reporting requirements for bottlers.

Water system operators must be certified.

Bottled water plant operators do not have to be certified.

Water suppliers must issue consumer confidence reports annually.

There are no public right-to-know requirements for bottlers.

Costs pennies a day

Costs $.80 to $4.00 per gallon.

Contains essential nutrients for the body such as calcium and iron.

Natural minerals are removes by filtration.

Chlorine residual in water to prevent bacteria growth.

No disinfectant present to kill bacteria in bottles.