We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming...


Well, after 3 months I finally decided to apologize to Ric and hold out my hand in friendship. He is still hurt by the tirade I let loose on him (actually on his voice mail) but he accepted my apology and I took him out to Red Lobster Saturday evening.

It felt a little bit awkward and though we talked, we didn't get into anything too deep. We both drank only two beers each, he because he had gone out to the Parliament House the night before and I because I was driving my new car. (Not to mean I would booze it up if it wasn't a new car, of course!)

After dinner I took him home, he didn't want to go out to Uno's though I suggested it. He said he was tired and needed to get up early the next morning to go play golf with some of his work buddies.

I think our friendship will go on but it's a bit frail right now. I guess that's to be expected.


Nugget is still running fine. She better be, I've only had her 2 days. She has 6,000 more miles to go before the expiration of her bumper-to-bumper warranty. With my luck, she'll wait to give me trouble until the day after she hits 36,000 miles. If I remember correctly, I think that's what happened to both Gumby Honey (the Metro) and Millie (the Focus) when they reached their warranty expiry dates.

I'm a tad concerned about her gas consumption though. I've only driven around town (if you consider Casselberry, Longwood and Sanford to also be "in town") but she's already on E. Well, she only had about a quarter tank when I got her, but even the Buick took more than two days to go through a quarter tank. Smaller tank I guess.


In this case, "eleven" will be sometime soon, maybe tomorrow, I'll post what I had planned to post last weekend...photos and recaps of my visit to Kennedy Space Center and Sun Cruz Casino. And I do also have "film". Woo hoo!