Oh What A Tangled Web...

So this whole Casey Anthony case gets even more sensational tonight: The trunk of Casey's car has been shown to have definitely held a decomposing dead body.

Well, we all knew it, c'mon.

I read so many posts on YouTube and various forums by people living in a dream world thinking that the kid was still alive.

I mean this case stinks worse than the stench of that car trunk, folks.

Now the Orange County Sherrifs Office is offering limited immunity because they, like so many others, think she may confess that it was an accidental death that she panicked and tried to cover up.

Call me a total cynic, but I actually don't think it was accidental. I think either she (Casey) or someone she knows killed the kid with premeditation. I mean she hooks up with this new beau, who is a sleazy nightclub promoter (ie: probably a drug dealer) in June, her child is "missing" and she's seen every weekend at Club Fusion (a dance club with a shady reputation here in Orlando) partying and acting like a silly slut without a care in the world.

At first the story is that Casey dropped off her 2 year old daughter with a "nanny" she hardly knew and now no one can find (ie. it's a made up person). Then it develops that supposedly Casey knows where Caylee is and that she's safe, but can't disclose details for fear that what is said would put Caylee in more harms way.

Huh? How fucked up is that?

Listen to this recorded phone call when Casey was in 33rd last month.

What a bitch. Her family is obviously trying to get information out of her but all she wants is to talk to a boy she's known for less than 2 months. And the way she talks to her family members...

But I don't absolve the family of some collusion in some way either. They seem like total fakes about their unitary desire to just "find Caylee", but they don't want to divulge too much information either?

What a mess.

I'm against the death penalty, but it would be tempting to root for it in this case. In any event, I really hope Casey is at least locked up for life with no chance of parole.

We, as a society, really have to start getting the message to solidify in the dense minds of these young, irresponsible whores who don't have any sense to wise up. They party-hearty, get knocked up, and end up being a reluctant and bitter unwed mother that figures the only way they can get back to their carefree, bar-hopping lifestyle is to kill the kid and claim it was a kidnapping. Well, think again, bitch, they need to learn: you do that and your gonna have a date with Old Sparky!