I'm Definitely NOT Tiger Woods!

Here's a video I had Ric take of my swing last Sunday at Debary Golf Club.

Now in my defence I have to say:

1. It was hotter than hell. Ric likes to play golf in the middle of the afternoon when the heat and humidity is oppressive. Well, on this day, even he was sweating, and that's rare.

2. This was like the 12th hole and I get pooped on the back 9. I wasn't dealing with any blisters on my hands this time, but my right foot was giving me a little precursor gout pain.

3. Speaking of pain, as you know from previous posts, I'd been dealing with the shoulder pain in my right shoulder for several months now. Well, this month it started feeling better and it has pretty much followed the example of it's left side counterpart in fading away, leaving just a stiff frozen shoulder syndrome in it's place. So I am gun-shy about stressing the shoulder too much, thus the sad upswing.

4. There were a couple of good ol' boys waiting behind us. They apparently play better than us since they were constantly waiting on us to finish. I get intimidated when I feel rushed, and, on this hole, they were even sitting in their cart right behind our carts watching. Very nerve racking.

Well, at least I think this clip captured what might be my biggest flaw. Notice at the point just before impact on my downswing, I suddenly jerk my head and shoulders forward about a foot? This ain't good, folks. Charles Barkley has that "hitch" everyone mocks him for, but it seems to aid him in correcting his off-line swing. My "jerking motion" does the opposite, I think. The trajectory may have been in the right arc at first, but this motion puts the apogee right where I witness it striking so frequently...just ahead of the ball and directly into the ground. This gouges a big divot, pretty much disseminates the club head speed and angle and usually ends up where the ball stays sitting there, untouched.

All totaled I played crappy throughout. The mulligan you see me take here is just one of many my playing partners (Ric and his friend from AIG, Chris) allowed me. They also overlooked a lot of my missed shots on approach, but still I ended up well above 120 for the round. They shot around 100-105 each, pretty close to one another. (I think Chris won by a stroke or two)

Well, in any event, I don't take the game too seriously so I still had fun. And, you gotta admit, watching me is a bit of a comedy show.