It's time we finally made good on the promise of a kinder, gentler America!
Elect the really progressive ticket!
Not only will we get the razor sharp mind and political savvy of Barack Obama, but the new V.P. Ross Mathews will thrill us all with new national standards like:
*Talky Blogs with The Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Neighbor.
*The Department of Interior "Park Report" (for all your nationwide voyeuristic needs).
*"What's Up, Hosted By Nikki Boyer", a weekly update from the new Secretary of the Department of Fun!
*A permanent and free health care plan for all Americans suffering from Insta-Poo.
*The Emblem of the United States will now be an adorable portrait of Louise grasping an olive branch in her little paw.
So remember, this November, elect Obama-Mathews!
For a brighter tomorrow!