Don't Stop Thinkin' 'Bout Tomorrow

How about the Democratic Convention, huh? What great speeches by both Clintons, Biden and especially Barack. His plans sound great. I only hope he can pull it off.

And regarding the fight to give him that chance, well, I think McCain made that a little bit easier with his announcement of Alaska Governor Palin as his running mate. I read a couple of conservative blogs and they’re all like, “…oh she’s a great choice!”, but I swear I can read between the lines and have a feeling they were pissing their pants when they wrote that. C’mon folks, you can’t believe she’s a great choice. For Obama, maybe.

I love it. He couldn’t have picked a better target for the Democrats. She’ll be ripped apart alive. She’s called “barracuda” and to me she just looks the part. I look at her smug face and want to smack it. Hard. Reminds me of some bitch you’d have to suddenly brake for on the highway as she cuts you off in her Hummer for having the audacity to be on the same road as her.

I read on Wikipedia that she has already gotten involved in some scandals, has only 2 years experience as governor and held minor offices prior to that, wants to rape the natural beauty of her own state for oil and derides environmentalists, is an avid hunter and life-long member of the NRA, and is against gay marriage and same-sex benefits. In one photo of her, she’s wearing a fur stole...maybe it was a baby seal?

You don’t even have to be anywhere near as liberal as I am to be disgusted by her idiotic and misguided uber-conservatism. Oh, did I mention she wants to have creationism taught in public schools.

That’s right, she’s one of those kooks!

Even hardcore Republicans that aren’t themselves desperate to win just for the sake of winning have to admit that this country cannot, in no uncertain terms, afford to have her as the person destined to take the helm in the event of a septuagenarian President McCain’s death in office. So just on that one truth alone, we can’t elect McCain.

As I see it, the race is over. Surely America will realize that Barack Obama is the only choice.

And going by the show he put on for us this week, let me tell you, I think we could do a lot worse.