The Heat Is On

Oh the hot and ugly dog days of summer are definitely here. Ultra high humidity, daytime highs in the mid 90’s and nighttime lows in low 80’s. Ugh!

I got a new pair of glasses this week (Giorgio Armani). Insurance covered $200 towards the $350 price tag. Yikes! Ya, I know, I never usually splurge on trendy designer things (hello, I buy my clothes at K-Mart for cryin’ out loud!) but I thought, “Why not?”. I am in the midst of a personal reconstruction plan; visiting doctors, trying to loose weight, getting dental work done, buying new clothes. I’m even considering, gulp, buying a new car. Well, maybe…

A car is an extension of its owner and makes a personality statement about who you are…so they say. I don’t feel that a ten year old Buick describes me. I think I’m much more of a Prius or something like that.

But, I don’t know about a car either, since I very much appreciate having no monthly car payments and a very low insurance rate. Why would I literally “trade that in” for a flashy status icon?

Speaking of flashy status icon…I sooooo want an iPhone. But, really folks…why would I need it? It’s not like I have any friends to call.

That reminds me, Ric’s friend Scott is down from Indiana visiting, staying as a guest at Ric’s place, in my former room, for an extended weekend.

I like Scott. Unlike Ric, he’s a life-long fag, like me. That is, we realized we favored men over women a long time ago, in our teens. I seem to get along better with these types of “family” members, since, I think, we have shared coming out angst stories during our “formative years” rather than the older guys who, after years of pussy chasing decide to “turn to the cock side”. (LOL, cute play on words…I just came up with that! Ha…I slay me!)

So, the question is, will I call Ric and apologize for my tirade?

I may have to just “show up” at his door in person, as he may well be screening calls to prevent another fiasco of a phone conversation with me. I doubt, especially with Scott there to help advocate for me (In the unspoken Code of Queerdom, we “lifers” stick together), that Ric would outright reject my plea for reconciliation. There may be some heated discussion and I’ll no doubt be forced to take my licks.

Despite all my misgivings about our love/hate, co-dependent and dysfunctional friendship, I have to admit I miss him.

I guess I may be human after all.