Centaur Love

Ok, I just saw this Old Spice body wash commercial depicting a hot guy, normal from the waist up...below, he's all horse. He's showering, presumably with his Old Spice body wash, and is saying crap to humorously get you interested in body wash but for me, I'm all horny. I need me some man-horse love!

TMI? Maybe. Sorry. Kinda like how I'm turned on by dwarves...

Especially their hairy little toes...

And it helps if they, for some reason, have only one testicle...

And they treat me like dirt, spit in my face and talk really, really nasty.

Anyway, back on the reality front...

I ended up passing on contacting Ric or Scott. I made it as far as the house, saw that there was a dark blue Chevy Cobalt with rental plates (ya, if you're a tourist driving on our roads here in Florida...we have ways of telling!). No doubt it was Scott. But no one was home, and when I checked out Jax, I didn't see them there either. It was dinner time, they may have been at Longhorn or some other restaurant.

One of the reasons I didn't seek out reconciliation with Ric...I got addicted.

Yup. I'm a junkie.

Addicted to Peggle, that is!

I just discovered this simple little puzzle game just this weekend. And once I started, I just couldn't stop.

Nvidia offered a special edition for free through the Steam online game portal, and after a few non-stop hours, I went and bought the full version.

Today at work, I played the online version for hours, and hours, and hours...my how the time flew!

Right now I'm watching BET. That's right...I may not be a brotha, but I'm down with it! No really, the movie "Soul Plane" is playing (or is it playin') and it's exactly what I expected...silly and constantly parodying the usual stereotypes. All, supposedly in fun, of course. It's okay though...one doesn't watch a movie like this and think "Oscar material".

The thunderstorms are raging over Central Florida lately, and tonight's no exception. It sounds like the background special effects for a B horror flick out there!

Make's me tired.

Just as well...my shoulder feels better after a good night's sleep, so I guess I'll head off to bed.

It's gonna be okay, folks, I just feel it. I think I'm headed in a new direction...and gonna find the right friends, and, perhaps, if lucky, maybe even Mr. Right.

Dare I wish it?

But, seriously, not a mutant though.

Not unless it's the last resort, that is.