Groundhog Day

They say we're young and we don't know
We won't find out until we grow
Well I don't know if all that's true
'Cause you got me, and baby I got you

I Got You Babe - Sonny and Cher

That's how it starts in the movie, but here's my version...repeated, exactly the same way, every day:

"Beep, beep, beep"

The alarm clock starts off really low then increases in volume within a few seconds and keeps increasing until it's quite loud.

I get up and walk over to the alarm clock on the desk to shut it off before it gets loud.

"Ouch!", I exhaustively and frustratedly exclaim silently to myself; I've again pulled my shoulder the wrong way, despite the fact I've had this ache for months.

I pull off the pillow, put it on the loveseat, straighten out the comforter and lift the bed into it's cabinet, close the cabinet doors, and turn on the light. It's 6:45.

I pick up the pillow again and put it in it's designated cabinet under the sink.

I put on my glasses and make my way to the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom, I bump into the TV, but not hard enough to move it.

I turn on the medicine cabinet light, do my morning constitutional, shower, and brush the fangs. No need to comb my hair, being almost gone and what's left being less than 1 inch in length. Just moosh it down slightly.

Step on scale. 299. Again.

Pick out clothes: boxer briefs, shorts, t-shirt, short-sleeve shirt, Joe Boxer socks, sneakers.

Pick out accessories: belt - already looped on shorts, Armitron watch, silver moon and stars pendant on black cord lanyard.

Dress, fill cup with some Diet Pepsi Max, take pills, take lunch bag that was filled the night before out of fridge and place on shelf.

Fill pockets with wallet, security badge and keys.

Sip my soda and watch local news on TV. Listen to reports of the overnight and early morning crimes throughout Central Florida. Think: "Ho-hum, who cares."

At 7:25, gather trash bag and lunch bag. Check to be sure I have my badge and keys and that the A/C is on.

Exit house, look sternly at the big weed growing near my door thinking, "I gotta get my knife out and cut that back." Pass by the car, put the lunch bag on the trunk as I bring trash bag to the curbside and place it in the garbage can. Walk back to the car, gather my lunch bag, press the unlock button on the key fob, get in car, start it up and back out of driveway.

Turn onto road, glance back at lake and think, "Oh, pretty lake."

Press buttons to open car windows to enjoy the mild yet humid 75 degree air and look out upon the beautifully landscaped roadways on this sunny day in Lake Mary as I drive to work. Radio plays the soft rock and light humor-filled banter of the morning DJs Dave and Leslye of Magic 107.7 FM.

Drive past the Chevron and BP gas stations and notice the price: $3.89/gal. Look at gas gauge. Yup, still got plenty, don't need any, thankfully.

Pull into parking lot at work 10 minutes later and swing into the spot on the right hand side of the main entrance, two rows down, just to the right of one of the islands with a magnolia tree so that when I open my car door I can let it swing without worrying about hitting another car.

As I enter the building and make my way to the elevators I see one of the employees of one of the other offices in the building. I look at the business attire they're dressed in and think, "Thank goodness, I don't need to wear crap like that to work...especially in the summer!"

Take elevator to second floor, walk to office entrance, wave badge over sensor near the door and enter the office.

Walk to cubicle, nod "good morning" to a Tech Support rep or two. No members of my team yet, still too early. Drop off lunch bag, turn on computer and go to breakroom with my waiting mug and water cup as it boots up.

In breakroom, fill water cup and get Flavia coffee. Bring to cube, come back for hot water to make a cup of oatmeal.

Back in cubicle, sip oatmeal breakfast, surf around on internet. Get up occasionally to get more coffee and/or go to bathroom to pee.

11:30, eat lunch. More internet while under "lunch" status 'till 12:30, then change status to "project work". Continue to fart around on internet. Fight off constant bouts of drowsiness.

After 1 more water refill, 4 more bathroom visits and a lot of web-surfing later, it's finally 5:00. Race to elevators, exit building, get in car and prepare to mess with somewhat heavy traffic conjestion.

Drive to grocery store, pick up fresh salad items like Romaine lettuce and potentially bacteria-laden tomatoes. Get home, unpack grocery items. After a long day of web-browsing, sit down with Mildred to do the same at home. Now though, without restraint as to what type of web site I access. I think briefly about strapping on the iPod and working, maybe tomorrow, but not tonight.

Prepare dinner and fill lunch bag. Place lunch bag in fridge for the next day. Eat dinner, return to Mildred while watching TV at the same time.

Around 10:45, move away from Mildred, go to bathroom, brush teeth, back to main room, shut TV, open Murphy cabinet, pull down bed and retrieve pillow from it's compartment.

Shut light, crawl under comforter, try to get into a position that doesn't aggravate my shoulder and fall asleep. Get up at least 2 times during night to pee.

Next morning, 7:45...
